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This book is an anthropological investigation into the different forms the economy assumes, and the different purposes it serves, when conceived from the perspective of Islamic micro-finance as a field of everyday practice. It is based on long-term ethnographic research in Java, Indonesia, with Islamic foundations active in managing zakat and other charitable funds, for purposes of poverty alleviation. The book explores the social foundations of contemporary Islamic practices that strive to encompass the economic within an expanded domain of divine worship and elucidates the effects such encompassment has on time, its fissure and synthesis. In order to elaborate on the question of time, the book looks beyond anthropology and Islamic studies, engaging attentively, critically and productively with the post-structuralist work of G. Deleuze, M. Foucault and J. Derrida, three of the most important figures of the temporal turn in contemporary philosophy.
“Sep, janji sama Abang, kamu harus sukses, ya?” Sejak kecil, Asep selalu mengagumi sosok Yoga—salah satu prajurit Komandan Cahyo. Rasa kagum itu terus ada sejalan dengan Asep yang tumbuh remaja. Kata-kata Yoga sangat memengaruhi Asep, terutama tentang laki-laki keren adalah yang bisa menepati janjinya. Dan, ada dua janji utama yang ingin sekali Asep penuhi, yaitu janjinya kepada Yoga untuk menjadi seorang tentara, dan janjinya kepada Selena, gadis yang dicintainya. Namun, hidup memang tak pernah semudah membalikkan telapak tangan. Bapak tidak merestui Asep menjadi tentara. Bapak ingin Asep langsung bekerja selepas lulus SMA untuk membantu ekonomi keluarga. Ditambah lagi, Bapak terjebak...
"This modern study on bid'ah - or heretical innovation - critically explores the boundaries of normative Islam and outlines the legal debate surrounding the subject. It examines the influence of foreign elements in Islamic thought, focusing on corrupt religious practices, as well as distorted beliefs, acts of worship and customary practices pertaining to religious expression. Muhammad al-Ghazali also argues for a 'Sufi core' in the reformist tradition, but one that has been stripped of the foreign accretions that have corrupted many Sufi movements."
No corporation is enthusiastic about paying tax, yet Islamic banks in Indonesia voluntarily pay corporate zakat. Why? The book analyzes corporate zakat norms and practices in Indonesia by investigating how Muslim jurists have interpreted sharīʿa of zakat and how these have been imposed through the legislative and regulatory framework. It also presents original case studies based on sociolegal field research on the reception of the new obligations in the Islamic banks that choose to pay – and choose not to pay – what is effectively a new tax. The book argues that the dynamics of sharīʿa interpretation, imposition, and compliance in Indonesia are too complex to be defined using the bin...
This is an open access book.ThemeOptimizing the use of social science and economics in the post-pandemic revival era The Covid-19 pandemic is slowly starting to be overcome. Contributions from various disciplines are also needed in the context of post-pandemic recovery, including the fields of social science and economics. Thus, the International Conference on Advanced Research in Social and Economic Science is a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and advances on how emerging research methods and sources are applied to various fields of the social sciences, as well as discuss current and future challenges. Join the social sciences conference as we explore the latest trends in social sciences and discuss common challenges in politics, social, communication, humanities, networking society, business, sustainable development, and international relations.
Bercerita tentang 7 anak dari seorang pensiunan tentara yang memiliki mimpi dan tujuan hidup masing-masing. Namun, mereka kerap mendapat cibiran karena dianggap tidak melanjutkan budaya turun-temurun keluarga yang mengharuskan semua anak lelaki menjadi tentara. Yoga—anak penengah—yang sedari kecil dianggap tidak memiliki bakat apa pun, memantapkan mimpinya untuk menjadi seorang penulis. Meskipun, mimpinya itu sering kali ditolak oleh kakak-kakaknya sendiri. Di saat Yoga merasa putus asa dengan mimpinya, dia bertemu dengan Lia. Seorang gadis introver yang mampu membangkitkan semangat Yoga untuk mewujudkan mimpinya. Saat suasana sedang hangat-hangatnya, seseorang dari masa lalu Bapak tiba-tiba muncul dan berusaha mencelakai mereka semua. Situasi menjadi semakin rumit ketika Yoga mengetahui masa lalu Bapak itu ada hubungannya dengan Lia. Semakin Yoga berusaha untuk melindungi Lia, semakin banyak pula orang-orang yang tersakiti. Yoga dihadapkan pada pilihan: keluarga yang disayanginya atau Lia yang membuatnya kuat untuk melanjutkan mimpi? Buku persembahan penerbit MediaKita #MediaKita
LANGKAH KAKI Penulis : WILDAN TATAW Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-319-386-3 Terbit : Februari 2021 Sinopsis : “Persahabatan itu seperti mengompol di celana, semua orang bisa melihatnya. tapi hanya kita yang bisa merasakan kehangatanya.” Hari itu hari kamis, tanggal 30 juni 2017, adalah hari yang sangat dinanti. Rasa penasaran akan bagaimana dunia pesantren kini sudah terobati. Langkah kaki mulai memasuki gerbang perasaan hati berdebar kencang, seakan luluh melihat sosok wanita dengan senyum manisnya menyapa. “Kemarin aku sudah mengingatkanmu soal ini, mengapa kamu gak mendengarkan, apa aku tak kamu anggap, aku ini siapa temanmu bukan.” ucapanya terasa menusuk bagiku “Sahabat mah, maneh seuri urang milu seri. Maneh ceurik urang milu ceurik. Maneh labuh urang seri nepi kaceurik.” hahaha… Email : [email protected] WA di 081287602508 Happy shopping & reading Enjoy your day, guys
This book addresses the complexity of Islam in Thailand, by focusing on Islamic charities and institutions affiliated to the mosque. By extrapolating through Islam and the waqf (Islamic charity) in different regions of Thailand the diversity in races and institutions, it demonstrates the regional contrasts within Thai Islam. The book also underlines the importance of the internal histories of these separate spaces, and the processes by which institutions and ideologies become entrenched. It goes on to look at the socio economic transformation that is taking place within the context of trading networks through Islamic institutions and civil networks linked to mosques, madrasahs and regional p...
Hadirnya buku ini merupakan sebuah jawaban dari kegelisahan yang muncul terkait pertimbangan hakim dalam memutus perkara perceraian akibat nusyûz di Pengadilan Tinggi Agama dilihat dari perspektif gender. Dari beberapa penelusuran akademik masih ada putusan yang danggap belum berpihak pada keadilan gender, sehingga perlu dipertanyakan mengenai pertimbangan yang digunakan hakim dalam memutus suatu perkara. Setiap keputusan hakim akan selalu berpijak pada nilai-nilai kemaslahatan, tetapi maslahat seperti apa dan bagaimana yang menjadi acuan utama para hakim dalam membangun argumen tersebut. Buku ini berasal dari riset doktoral Sekolah Pascasarjana UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta dengan judul ...
This book is the outcome of a close study of the Ricote Valley and its famous Sufi Ibn Sab'in. Its purpose is to disclose more of the historical and comparative data. Arab Spaniards have created a glorious human story that lasted for centuries within the scope of the Mediterranean culture. However, a lot of the history of the Ricote Valley is only written in Spanish and still not in English. Andalusian scientists moved from the region of Murcia to the heart of the Islamic world. Their move had quite a deep effect. Among these scientists was the great Sufi philosopher, Muhammad Ibn-'Abdul-Haq known as Ibn- Sab'in (d. 669 H. = 1270 AD), who came from the Ricote Valley. He is the originator of the deep philosophical approach in dealing with highly humanistic Sufi thought, and the author of the magnificent treatise Al-Kalam 'ala Al-Masa'il Al-Siqqilliyya, in which he answered the philosophical questions that Frederick II, the Emperor of Sicily, sent to Muslim scientists in the Mashreq and the Maghreb.