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Queering Reproductive Justice
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 318

Queering Reproductive Justice

The futures of reproductive justice and LGBTQIA+ liberation are intimately connected. Both movements were born out of the desire to love and build families of our choosing—when and how we decide. Both movements are rooted in broader social justice liberationist traditions that center the needs of Black and brown communities, the LGBTQIA+ community, gender-nonconforming folks, femmes, poor folks, parents, and all those who have been forced to the margins of society. Taking as its starting point the idea that we all have the human right to bodily autonomy, to sexual health and pleasure, and to exercise these rights with dignity, Queering Reproductive Justice sets out to re-envision the seemi...

Bishops and Bodies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 152

Bishops and Bodies

One out of every six patients in the United States is treated in a Catholic hospital that follows the policies of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. These policies prohibit abortion, sterilization, contraception, some treatments for miscarriage and gender confirmation, and other reproductive care, undermining hard-won patients’ rights to bodily autonomy and informed decision-making. Drawing on rich interviews with patients and providers, this book reveals both how the bishops’ directives operate and how people inside Catholic hospitals navigate the resulting restrictions on medical practice. In doing so, Bishops and Bodies fleshes out a vivid picture of how The Church’s stance on sex, reproduction, and “life” itself manifests in institutions that affect us all.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 190


After nearly fifty years as settled constitutional law, the federally protected right to an abortion in America is now a thing of the past. The Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade has left Americans without a guaranteed right to access abortion―and the cost of that upheaval will be most painfully felt by individuals who already struggle with access to resources: the poor, Black and brown communities, and members of the LGBTQIA+ population. Pulling together the experiences, expertise, and perspectives of more than 30 writers, thinkers, and activists, Aftermath: Life in Post-Roe America offers a searing look at the critical role Roe has played in improving women’s and pregnant people’s lives, what a future without Roe may look like, and what options exist for us to secure reproductive freedom in the future. With contributions from Jessica Valenti, Soraya Chemaly, Michele Goodwin, Alyssa Milano, Ruby Sales, Heather Cox Richardson, Robin Marty, Linda Villarosa, Jennifer Baumgardner and more, this anthology is essential reading for anyone who cares about the future of reproductive rights in America―and beyond.

Spare the Kids
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 250

Spare the Kids

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-03-21
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  • Publisher: Beacon Press

A challenge to the cultural tradition of corporal punishment in Black homes—and its connections to racial violence in America—that encourages positive, nonviolent discipline for those rearing, teaching, and caring for children of color Why do so many African Americans have such a special attachment to whupping children? Studies show that nearly 80 percent of Black parents see spanking, popping, pinching, and beating as reasonable, effective ways to teach respect and to protect black children from the streets, incarceration, encounters with racism, or worse. However, the consequences of this widely accepted approach to child-rearing are far-reaching and seldom discussed. Dr. Stacey Patton...

Quem tem medo do gênero?
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 299

Quem tem medo do gênero?

Neste seu primeiro livro não acadêmico, Judith Butler analisa como o "gênero" se tornou central em discursos conservadores e reacionários, um fantasma com o objetivo de criar pânico moral e angariar apoio popular a projetos políticos fascistas, autoritários e excludentes. Intervenção essencial em uma das questões mais inflamadas da atualidade, Quem tem medo do gênero? é uma convocatória arrojada a construir uma coalizão ampla contra as novas formas do fascismo. "É crucial que a política de gênero se oponha ao neoliberalismo e a outras formas de devastação capitalista e não se torne seu instrumento", insiste Butler. Em tempos sombrios, Butler nos oferece uma obra esperanç...

Kuka pelkää sukupuolta?
  • Language: fi
  • Pages: 325

Kuka pelkää sukupuolta?

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-09-23
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  • Publisher: Kosmos

Feministisen teorian kulttinimen uusi teos ruotii antigender-liikettä ja sen vaikutuksia Viime aikoina ympäri maailmaa on noussut poliittinen liike, joka määrittää itsensä ”gender-ideologiaa” vastustavaksi. Oikeistolaisten uskonnollisten järjestöjen lietsoma ja lopulta kansallisten puolueiden retoriikkaan heijastuva antigender-liike pyrkii rajoittamaan sukupuoli- ja seksuaalivähemmistöjen oikeuksia sekä naisten taloudellista ja sosiaalista vapautta ja lisääntymisoikeuksia. Liike on onnistunut lyömään läpi globaalisti mediassa ja onnistunut määrittämään sukupuolen vaaralliseksi ideologiaksi, joka uhkaa tuhota perheet, paikalliskulttuurit ja sivilisaation. Butler arg...

Wie is er bang voor gender?
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 293

Wie is er bang voor gender?

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-05-24
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  • Publisher: Ten Have

Het belangrijkste boek over gender van de 21ste eeuw. Judith Butler, de baanbrekende denker wiens iconische boek 'Gender Trouble' ons begrip van gender en seksualiteit een radicaal nieuwe inhoud gaf, analyseert in 'Wie is er bang voor gender?' de aanvallen op gender door rechtse bewegingen. Butler onderzoekt hoe gender een fantasma is geworden voor conservatief-religieuze groepen, opkomende autoritaire regimes, fascistische formaties en transuitsluitende feministen. In hun onverschrokken nieuwe boek roept Butler op tot het vormen van allianties en het ontwikkelen van een krachtig tegenbeeld waarin leven en samenleven, vrijheid, radicale gelijkheid en rechtvaardigheid aantrekkelijk worden in plaats van beangstigend. ‘Een internationaal beroemde academicus. Butlers invloed is enorm.’ – The New Yorker ‘Hoe ontwikkelen we een tegenbeeld dat sterk genoeg is om dit bedrieglijke fantasma te ontmaskeren, onschadelijk te maken en ervoor te zorgen dat het niet langer wordt ingezet voor meer censuur, verdraaiing van de feiten en reactionaire politiek?’ – Judith Butler

Chi ha paura del gender?
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 223

Chi ha paura del gender?

In tutto il mondo il gender è sempre più spesso descritto come un mostro dai poteri distruttivi. A sentire chi diffonde il panico, il gender sarebbe una minaccia per la famiglia tradizionale, una negazione delle leggi di natura, un complotto delle élite, un attacco diretto alla mascolinità, Satana in persona, un pericolo per la vita e per la civiltà. Ma chi agita questo fantasma di cosa ha davvero paura? Quale agenda politica, questa sì reale e pericolosa, si nasconde dietro l'ideologia anti-gender? I movimenti contro l'ʽideologia del gender' ritraggono il genere come un monolite, il cui potere e la cui portata sarebbero devastanti. In Russia il gender è stato definito una minaccia a...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 288


You are creating your family. You may not know how (or with whom) quite yet, but you are on your way. Conceivable: A Guide to Making 2SLGBTQ+ Family moves beyond the birds and the bees to consider the politics, challenges, choices and opportunities for agency and joy involved in 2SLGBTQ+ fertility, conception and family building in Canada. With contributions from healthcare workers, mental health professionals and support people in the field of reproductive health and 2SLGBTQ+ sexual care, this book is an honest and thorough look at growing your family. Conceivable is for birthing parents, non-gestational parents, families seeking a surrogate or donor, and those who do not yet know what they...

Janelle Monae
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 76

Janelle Monae

Janelle Monáe sings, raps, dances, writes, acts, and produces. Critics rave about her albums, the internet lights up when she releases a video, and fans are astounded by her concert tours, yet she still has time to fit in acting work and political activism. Although only 35 years old in 2020, Monáe has already received eight Grammy Award nominations. This book traces Janelle Monae’s life from her childhood on the streets of Kansas City, KS, through the struggling years to break through in the music industry, to her rise to international fame as both a musician and an actor.