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This is a comprehensive guide to single-stranded RNA phages (family Leviviridae), first discovered in 1961. These phages played a unique role in early studies of molecular biology, the genetic code, translation, replication, suppression of mutations. Special attention is devoted to modern applications of the RNA phages and their products in nanotechnology, vaccinology, gene discovery, evolutionary and environmental studies. Included is an overview of the generation of novel vaccines, gene therapy vectors, drug delivery, and diagnostic tools exploring the role of RNA phage-derived products in the revolutionary progress of the protein tethering and bioimaging protocols. Key Features Presents the first full guide to single-stranded RNA phages Reviews the history of molecular biology summarizing the role RNA phages in the development of the life sciences Demonstrates how RNA phage-derived products have resulted in nanotechnological applications Presents an up-to-date account of the role played by RNA phages in evolutionary and environmental studies
Vincent Van Gogh was born in the Netherlands and today is one of the world's best-loved painters. But during his lifetime, Van Gogh struggled to find fame and fortune through his art, making very little money from his paintings, which now sell for millions of dollars. This book tells the story of Van Gogh's life through his own artworks, and shows how he came to create some of the most famous paintings in the world, including the Sunflowers and Starry Night. Learn about the importance of brotherly love, his struggle to find the right path and the lasting impact he had on the history of art in this book that brings his work to life.
A beautifully told art story for children, looking at Vincent van Gogh's life through his masterpieces. Accompanied by stunning original illustrations from Edith Carron. ★★★★★ - visually stunning account of Van Gogh's life ★★★★★ - Perfect introduction to the artist and his work ★★★★★ - A wonderful resource for parents and teachers. ★★★★★ - sensitively written Vincent van Gogh was born in the Netherlands and today is one of the world's best-loved painters. But during his lifetime, Van Gogh struggled to find fame and fortune through his art, making very little money from his paintings, which now sell for millions of dollars. This book tells the story of ...
Edith Gwendolyn Barrington entered the world on All Fools' Day, 1865. She grew into a beautiful woman, haughty and unapproachable. In spite of this, she undertook marriage several times, but her husbands had the unhappy knack of dying on her. Was she a serial killer or merely a victim of circumstance? Why had this aloof lady consented to enter wedlock so willingly and so often? Inspector Dufret of the Metropolitan police is unsure, and unsuccessfully attempts to have the bodies of the deceased exhumed. A year later, Edith issues a curse before she dies, which is carried down through the generations. It is now 1959, and a series of murders in close proximity to Lincoln have occurred which see...
(Wie) kann Geschichte in sozialen Medien erzählt werden? Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Instagramprojekt @ichbinsophiescholl. Was wäre, wenn Sophie Scholl auf Instagram aktiv gewesen wäre? Soziale Medien werden auch zur Vermittlung von Geschichte immer populärer. Eines der jüngsten Beispiele ist das Instagramprojekt @ichbinsophiescholl der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten SWR und BR, das Nutzer:innen an den letzten 10 Monaten des Lebens einer remediatisierten Sophie Scholl, gespielt von Luna Wedler, teilhaben ließ. Der Ansatz, Geschichte "hautnah, emotional und in nachempfundener Echtzeit" zu erzählen, führte dabei zu großer medialer Aufmerksamkeit und Reichweite, im Projektverlauf jedoch zunehmend auch zu kritischen Auseinandersetzungen mit Geschichtsdarstellungen im Social-Media-Format. Anhand eines der erfolgreichsten Produkte der Public History in den letzten Jahren wird die Darstellung von Geschichte in Social Media eingehend analysiert. Der Band vereint interdisziplinäre Perspektiven aus der Geschichtswissenschaft, Medienwissenschaft, Psychologie, Didaktik und historisch-politischer Bildung auf das Projekt, dessen Rezeption und Analyse.
2024年もいよいよ後半戦。風の時代が本格的に始まり、考えたことが現実化しやすい 時期になっていくという。 この運勢の流れに乗るため、あなたの本質や願望を明らかにする占術と、欲しい運気を上げるためのティップスをレクチャー。願いをかなえるチャンスは、今! ※電子書版本與紙本雜誌的內容會有一部分不同。 有時電子書會不包含紙本上所刊載的封面或是目錄上的文字、圖片、廣告、附錄。另外,本期雜誌刊載的資訊,原則上為版權頁上所標示的出版日期當時的資訊。 ※電子書籍版は、紙の雑誌とは内容が一部異なり、表紙画像や目次に掲載している記事、画像、広告、付録が含まれない場合があります。また、本誌掲載の情報は、原則として奥付に表記している発行時のものです。
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« Une relation toxique est une relation de dominant à dominé, de sujet à objet dans laquelle l'un va demander à l'autre d'abdiquer sur certains aspects de sa personnalité, dans le seul but de lui nuire, de l'humilier, de le dévaloriser voire même de le détruire » (Nathalie Riesen). Hier, victime de relation toxique. Je fais cette rencontre amoureuse. De celles qui vous donnent un nouveau souffle. De celles qui vous mettent des étoiles dans les yeux et des papillons dans le ventre. La relation s'installe rapidement et une grossesse est déjà annoncée. Très vite la vie quotidienne devient un enfer de pressions, de violences psychologique et physique. Je me raccroche à ma foi en ...
Sněte, ještě než půjdete spát! Světový bestseller představuje životy inspirativních žen napříč dějinami. Sto krátkých příběhů vypráví životní osudy stovky mimořádných žen z minulosti i současnosti. Umělkyně, sportovkyně, vědkyně, političky a další velké osobnosti, které se nesmazatelně zapsaly do historie, inspirují malé i velké čtenáře snít velké sny. Seznámíte se s královnou Alžbětou I., módní návrhářkou Coco Chanel nebo s tenistkou Serenou Williams. Každý medailonek navíc doprovází celostránkové portréty od šedesáti výtvarnic z celého světa.