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Food Packaging
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 413

Food Packaging

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-10-20
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Food Packaging: Advanced Materials, Technologies, and Innovations is a one-stop reference for packaging materials researchers working across various industries. With chapters written by leading international researchers from industry, academia, government, and private research institutions, this book offers a broad view of important developments in food packaging. Presents an extensive survey of food packaging materials and modern technologies Demonstrates the potential of various materials for use in demanding applications Discusses the use of polymers, composites, nanotechnology, hybrid materials, coatings, wood-based, and other materials in packaging Describes biodegradable packaging, antimicrobial studies, and environmental issues related to packaging materials Offers current status, trends, opportunities, and future directions Aimed at advanced students, research scholars, and professionals in food packaging development, this application-oriented book will help expand the reader’s knowledge of advanced materials and their use of innovation in food packaging.

Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 475

Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants

Abiotic stress cause changes in soil-plant-atmosphere continuum and is responsible for reduced yield in several major crops. Therefore, the subject of abiotic stress response in plants - metabolism, productivity and sustainability - is gaining considerable significance in the contemporary world. Abiotic stress is an integral part of “climate change,” a complex phenomenon with a wide range of unpredictable impacts on the environment. Prolonged exposure to these abiotic stresses results in altered metabolism and damage to biomolecules. Plants evolve defense mechanisms to tolerate these stresses by upregulation of osmolytes, osmoprotectants, and enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants, etc...

Green Synthesis in Nanomedicine and Human Health
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 255

Green Synthesis in Nanomedicine and Human Health

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-03-09
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Green synthesis is an emerging method for deriving nanoparticles present in natural plants for use in nanomedicine. Written by experts in the field, Green Synthesis in Nanomedicine and Human Health showcases the exciting developments of this specialty and its potential for promoting human health and well-being. This book gives practical information on novel preparation methods for identifying nanoparticles present in natural plants. It discusses applications of nanoparticles in combating communicable, non-communicable and vector-borne diseases. It also explores the potential for nanoparticles to combat antimicrobial resistance through improvements in treatment methods, diagnostics and drug d...

Private Property, Freedom, and Order
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 160

Private Property, Freedom, and Order

This book looks at how the ideas of freedom, property, and order are expressed in modern social contract theories (SCTs). Drawing on the theories of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Rawls, it studies how notions of freedom promulgated by these SCTs invariably legitimise and defend the private ownership of the means of production. It argues that capitalism’s impact on individual dependence and economic inequality still stems from this model, ultimately working in favour of proprietors. The author highlights the problematic nature of SCTs, which work as ideological mechanisms put forward under the guise of formal equality and formal freedom, by focusing on the historical and social context behind them. From a methodological point of view, the author presents a de-ideologization of the contractarian issue and provides insight into the political ‘layers’ within the discourse of individualism, human nature and morality shaping the outer corners of contractarian theory. An important intervention in the study of SCTs, this volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of political and social theory, sociology, political history, and political philosophy.

Nanotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Environment
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 241

Nanotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Environment

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-10-31
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Nanotechnology has the potential to drastically transform the agri-food sector with its significant applications to improve agricultural productivity and the efficiency of agrochemicals. The food sector has benefitted from the inclusion of nanoparticles in food matrixes and the nanoencapsulation of nutraceuticals. Smart packaging materials designed with the help of nanotechnology have been used for increasing the shelf life of stored food products. Nanomaterials have been extensively used for the delivery of important agrochemicals to enhance their bioefficacy, prevent their degradation, and control their release. Various nanomaterials have been explored for remediation of arising environmen...

Moral Dünyası Dergisi Sayı: 125 / İmanla Yalan Bir Arada Olmaz
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 65

Moral Dünyası Dergisi Sayı: 125 / İmanla Yalan Bir Arada Olmaz

Mehmed Akif, bir gün birisiyle konuşurken adam, “Bu dediğin doğru mu?” diye sorar. Mehmed Akif, bu söze son derece kızar, sert bir şekilde uyarır: “Bir daha bana bu kelimeyi kesinlikle tekrar etme!” Merhum Akif gibi doğruluk abidesi insan ne kadar kaldı bilinmez, ama sayılarının bir hayli azaldığını tahmin etmek zor değil. Modern zamanlar pekçok kavramı sulandırdığı gibi yalanı da masumlaştırmaya, “beyaz yalan, pembe yalan” diye sevimli hale getirmeye çalışıyor. Oysa buna “bukalemunluk” denmiyor muydu? Menfaati için kılıktan kılığa girmek, renkten renge bürünmek, yanar döner ışıklar gibi bir yanıp bir sönmek… Yalanla doğruluk ar...

يلا نتعلم تركي - الأساسيات و المحادثة
  • Language: ar
  • Pages: 171

يلا نتعلم تركي - الأساسيات و المحادثة

هذا الكتاب هو بمثابة مرجع يعلمك الحد الأدنى من أساسيات اللغة التركية بأسلوب سهل و مبسط ليصبح بإمكانك تكوين جملة بسيطة، طرح سؤال أو استخدام الأفعال الأساسية في الحياة اليومية أو لدى زيارتك تركيا. كما يعلمك المحادثات الضرورية في الحياة اليومية كالتسوق، المطعم، السؤال عن الاتجاهات و غيرها. إضافة الى العديد من المصطلحات و العبارات المستخدمة يومياً في المجتمع التركي

Jejak Perempuan Solo Raya di Dalam Arus Politik
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 108

Jejak Perempuan Solo Raya di Dalam Arus Politik

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-01-01
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  • Publisher: Unisri Press

Buku “Jejak Perempuan Solo Raya dalam Arus Politik” ini merupakan karya penting yang dilahirkan oleh penulis, memuat informasi mengenai bagaimana perjalanan para perempuan di Solo Raya, dengan berbagai dinamika arus politik. Posisi perempuan sebagai sosok pemimpin politik masih menjadi fenoma yang menarik. Para ilmuan dan literatur populer masih memberikan gambaran yang menimbulkan pro kontra terkait posisi dan peran perempuan dalam politik terutama pada level pengambil kebijakan. Fenomena ini pun juga melanda wilayah Solo Raya. Meski tarik ulur masih sering muncul, tetapi kiprah para perempuan di Solo Raya sudah mampu dilihat dari berbagai jejak prestasi yang diukir dalam politik praktis. Buku ini disajikan secara menarik dan ringan, mengenai dinamika para perempuan yang mendobrak patriarki dengan menjejakkan kakinya dalam pusaran politik. Dibumbui pula dengan sentuhan kearifan lokal, yang memang menjadi kekhasan dari wilayah Solo Raya.

Siyer Araştırmaları Akademik Dergisi Sayı:9 / Ocak-Haziran 2021
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 209

Siyer Araştırmaları Akademik Dergisi Sayı:9 / Ocak-Haziran 2021

Yaklaşık 2020 yılı Mart ayından itibaren ülkemizi, halen bütün dünyayı kasıp kavuran Covid-19 virüsü salgını, deprem ve sel gibi felaketlerin neden olduğu zor ve sıkıntılı bir süreçten geçiyoruz. Sağlığın en büyük nimet, insanın en büyük kıymet olduğu bir kere daha anlaşıldı. Zira söz konusu pandemi sürecinde çok kıymetli hocalarımızı ve yakınlarımızı kaybettik -Allah rahmet eylesin-, bazıları da hastalandılar -Allah acil şifalar versin, geçmiş olsun-. Hayat tarzlarımız, alışkanlıklarımız neredeyse tümüyle etkilendi. İlim-araştırma ve eğitim-öğretim şartlarımız daha da zorlaştı. Okullarımızdan, öğrencilerimizden ve...

Muhafazakar Düşünce Dergisi 44. Sayı
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 202

Muhafazakar Düşünce Dergisi 44. Sayı

Düşünce tarihinin en önemli dönüm noktalarından biri, 9. yüzyıldan itibaren İslam dininin felsefeye kapı aralaması ile yaşandı. Başlangıçta Hz. Muhammed’in, Müslümanların oluşturduğu devlette adeta devlet başkanlığı görevini üstlenmesi, özellikle siyasi konular söz konusu olduğunda, belirli tartışmaları gereksiz kılıyordu. Ancak İslam devletinin sınırlarının giderek genişlemesi, bu bağlamda çok sayıda farklı kültürle temas edilmesi, özellikle devlet yönetimi ve siyasal iktidar ilişkileri bağlamında çözülmesi gereken çok sayıda yeni sorun üretti. Dinin temel referans kaynağı olan Kur’an-ı Kerim ve Sünnet’te hayatın pek çok...