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  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 132


Suicídio ainda é tema tabu em nossa sociedade. Porém cada vez mais se percebem a necessidade e a importância de enfrentar o problema e abrem-se oportunidades para debatê-lo, conhecê-lo e buscar desvendar os motivos que levam alguém a cometer tal ato. Esta coletânea vem participar do debate. Organizada por Fernanda Marquetti, estudiosa do assunto há mais de dez anos, e com colaborações de vários especialistas no tema, oriundos de áreas diversas, a obra aborda o suicídio sem recorrer à explicação reducionista médico-sanitária, que o vincula a alguma patologia ou transtorno mental. Ao estudá-lo em sua complexidade natural e não dissociado do mundo no qual é produzido, considerando os aspectos socioculturais a ele vinculados, encontra-se uma infinidade de explicações e ampliam-se as possibilidades de compreendê-lo. Examinando de modo amplo e fundamentado as questões de saúde, sociais, éticas, psicológicas e culturais implicadas no suicídio, o livro enriquece uma discussão premente e necessária.

Corpo a Corpo
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 371

Corpo a Corpo

  • Categories: Art

Os ensaios reunidos neste livro articulam uma diversidade de abordagens sobre a representação do corpo humano em múltiplos contextos históricos. O resultado da coleção é um convite explícito à revisão do vínculo pessoal e social com nossos corpos. Emergem da obra temas centrais como as relações de gênero, o controle social da sexualidade, o racismo, o papel da medicina moderna na reconstrução de nossa ligação com o corpo e outros assuntos tratados por um viés de profícuo cruzamento de saberes, disciplinas e pontos de vista. O olhar historiográfico dos autores, bem como as perspectivas atentas às mudanças ocorridas ao longo da história no retrato de nós mesmos, revela um corpo dissecado muito distinto daquele do início da ciência moderna, objetivo, sem sujeito, destinado apenas ao estudo de anatomia.

Matizes da psicologia no sertão
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 447

Matizes da psicologia no sertão

A presente coletânea é fruto de um esforço coletivo de estudantes, egressos e professores do curso de psicologia da Faculdade Santa Maria, de compartilhar suas produções científicas. Trata-se de um registro inspirador do desejo em fazer pesquisa no país desigual em que a escassez de recursos destinados a pesquisa, se apresenta para a região nordeste. O leitor irá ter a oportunidade, de se aproximar da psicologia presente no sertão paraibano, de forma singular e ao mesmo tempo plural, com uma sensibilidade particular a partir da diversidade temática. Assim, a obra é um convite ao debate e reflexão de temas como suicídio, adolescência, educação, cognição e outros.

Suicídio: Estudo psicossocial
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 141

Suicídio: Estudo psicossocial

description not available right now.

The Takeover of Social Policy by Financialization
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 233

The Takeover of Social Policy by Financialization

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-03-25
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book critically addresses the model of social inclusion that prevailed in Brazil under the rule of the Workers Party from the early 2000s until 2015. It examines how the emergence of a mass consumer society proved insufficient, not only to overcome underdevelopment, but also to consolidate the comprehensive social protection system inherited from Brazil’s 1988 Constitution. By juxtaposing different theoretical frameworks, this book scrutinizes how the current finance-dominated capitalism has reshaped the role of social policy, away from rights-based decommodified benefits and towards further commodification. This constitutes the Brazilian paradox: how a center-left government has promoted and boosted financialization through a market incorporation strategy using credit as a lever for expanding financial inclusion. In so doing, it has pushed the subjection of social policy further into the logic of financial markets.

From Dessalines to Duvalier
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 412

From Dessalines to Duvalier

"Rich in subject matter and eminently readable, this book is also a fine work of scholarship. The more than 1,200 footnotes are models of clarity and relevance; the bibliography and index seem scrupulously accurate. . . While each generation must rewrite its own history, as Nicholls remarks, no book on Haiti for a long time to come will properly be able to ignore the analysis he here provides." --Ethnic and Racial Studies "Step by step, Nicholls] guides us through the various historical time periods of Haitian political and national development, illuminating each one of them by a cogent and learned discussion of the main ideas and ideologies that accompanied them." --The Political Quarterly ...

The Health Benefits of Foods
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 180

The Health Benefits of Foods

The global market of foods with health claims remains highly dynamic and is predicted to expand even further. Consumers have become increasingly aware of the importance of consuming healthy foods in order to have a well-balanced diet and this has increased the demand for foods with health benefits. On the other hand, the food sector companies are trying to meet the new consumers' expectations while designing a variety of novel, enhanced products. Thus, understanding the potential uses of bioactive compounds in food products, the wide range of therapeutic effects, and the possible mechanisms of action is essential for developing healthier products. Covering important aspects of valuable food molecules, this book revises the current knowledge, providing scientifically demonstrated information about the benefits and uses of functional food components, their applications, and the future challenges in nutrition and diet.

Historia De Familias Cubanas
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 391

Historia De Familias Cubanas

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1988-07-01
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Edici n encuadernada del ltimo volumen publicado (9) de la Historia de Familias Cubanas

Participatory Budgeting in Brazil
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 330

Participatory Budgeting in Brazil

As Brazil and other countries in Latin America turned away from their authoritarian past and began the transition to democracy in the 1980s and 1990s, interest in developing new institutions to bring the benefits of democracy to the citizens in the lower socioeconomic strata intensified, and a number of experiments were undertaken. Perhaps the one receiving the most attention has been Participatory Budgeting (PB), first launched in the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre in 1989 by a coalition of civil society activists and Workers&’ Party officials. PB quickly spread to more than 250 other municipalities in the country, and it has since been adopted in more than twenty countries world...

Cuba Betrayed
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 432

Cuba Betrayed

Cuba Betrayed, first published in 1962, is an autobiographical work of former Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista, in which he expresses his viewpoint regarding his two terms as dictator, his defeat, and his successors—Cuba’s “Betrayers.” “The book is not meant to be a literary masterpiece. Still less has there been any attempt at stylistic elegance. It is, rather, an exposition of facts, a narration based on memory and notes.”—Introduction