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These abstracts offer insights into a wide array of topics related to women's issues. From education and employment to political representation and social roles, the abstracts underscore the multifaceted nature of gender discrimination. They highlight how these inequalities are particularly exacerbated during times of crisis, emphasising the urgent need for research and action in these areas.
This book, titled “Cities and Society in the Context of Disasters and Migration”, discusses how cities and societies cope with disasters and migration, how they transform them, and how these processes can be understood in a broader societal and environmental context. By bringing together the views and analyses of a number of experts, this book brings a wide variety of perspectives to these important issues. Bu kitap, “Afetler ve Göç Bağlamında Kentler ve Toplum” adıyla, kentlerin ve toplumların afetler ve göçle nasıl başa çıktığını, bu durumla-rın onları nasıl dönüştürdüğünü ve bu süreçlerin daha geniş toplumsal ve çevresel bağlamda nasıl anlaşılabileceğini tartışıyor. Bu kitap, bir dizi uzmanın görüşlerini ve analizlerini bir araya getirerek, bu önemli konulara çok çeşitli bakış açıları getiriyor.
Editorial Board: Ahmet Görgen Alp Arısoy Berrin Ceylan Ataman Ceren Avcil Elif Gençkal Eroler Elvan Karaman Fabio Grassi Gökhan Ak Lan Lo Nilüfer Narlı Paulette Schuster Savaş Biçer Tuba Demirci Zeynep Üskül Engin CONTENTS I. WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT: ITS IMPACT ON POLITICS, PUBLIC SPHERE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS The Power of Words: How Silent Spring Sparked the American Environmental Movement through Debate and Diplomacy – Jayashabari Shankar The Other Side of Male Dominance: Prohibition of Pants – Zeynep Özlem Üskül Engin and Dolunay Çörek Akyıldız Gender Mainstreaming and International Organizations: NATO Example – Suat Dönmez Gender Mainstreaming in Türkiye withi...
Women in a Global World V: From Health to Art, Economy to Politics offers an in-depth exploration of women's roles, challenges, and achievements across diverse domains in today's interconnected world. Edited by Zeynep Banu Dalaman, this volume gathers insights from leading scholars and researchers, dissecting the multifaceted issues impacting women globally and regionally. Organized into six sections, the book begins with the harsh realities of gender inequality, violence, and the institutional support available to women, including discussions on the effects of gender apartheid and misogyny. Moving to the realm of artistic and literary expression, it highlights female resilience and creativi...
With a background of technological and communication innovations, socialization research, particularly as it refers to cultural and academic learning, has become increasingly connected with the business and economic aspects of global societies. Nationalism, Cultural Indoctrination, and Economic Prosperity in the Digital Age examines the doctrines that society is expected not to question, particularly the influence these beliefs have on business and the prosperity of the world as a whole. This book is an essential resource for business executives, scholar-practitioners, and students who need a multidisciplinary approach to the effects of culture on cognitive strategies and professional methodologies.
Etkileşimin gücü, insanlar ve sistemler arasında bir bağlantı ve etkileşim ağı oluşturarak birçok olumlu sonuç ortaya çıkarabilir. İşte etkileşimin gücünü gösteren bazı önemli noktalar: İletişimi Geliştirir: Etkileşim, iletişimin temel bir bileşenidir. İnsanlar arasında etkileşim, duygusal bağları güçlendirir, fikirleri ve düşünceleri paylaşmayı sağlar ve anlaşmazlıkları çözmeye yardımcı olur. Etkileşim, doğru iletişim becerileri ve empati ile birleştiğinde, ilişkileri ve işbirliğini güçlendirir. Bilgi ve Deneyim Paylaşımını Sağlar: Etkileşim, insanların bilgi ve deneyimlerini birbirleriyle paylaşmasını sağlar. Bu, insanla...
Women of Kurdistan: A Historical and Bibliographic Study documents a century long history of Kurdish women’s struggles against oppressive gender relations and state violence. It speaks to bibliographic silences on Kurdish women; silences that are systemic and structured, with many factors contributing to their (re)production. The book records extensive literature on violence perpetrated by the family, community, and the state as well as presenting the reader with a vibrant archive of resistance and struggle of Kurdish women. The analysis avoids the fashionable state-centered scholarship, which purifies processes of nation-building, state-building, and disguises their violence. The image de...
Ayhan Aktar has been working on anti-minority policies in modern Turkey since 1991. In the Ottoman Empire’s final decade (in 1906), non-Muslims constituted 20% of the population; by 1927, they were reduced to 2.5% and, nowadays, they make up less than 0.02% of the population of Modern Turkey. Armenians were subjected to deportations (1915), Greeks were ‘exchanged’ (1922–1924) and Jews were forced to migrate abroad (after 1945). Like many other nation-states in the Near East, Turkey has been able to homogenize its population on religious grounds. This book is a collection of Aktar's articles about this transformation. Aktar criticises nationalist historiographies and argues "For insta...
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Edited by Lars Andersson, Karl-Erik Kahnberg and M. Anthony Pogrel Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a comprehensive reference for all trainees and specialists in oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral surgery, and surgical dentistry. This landmark new resource draws together current research, practice and developments in the field, as expressed by world authorities. The book’s aim is to cover the full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery, incorporating recent technical and biological developments within the specialty. It provides a uniquely international and contemporary approach, reflecting the exciting developments of techni...
"People on the move face new barriers in a globalizing world. Some of these barriers are related with the rise of an increasingly security-oriented approach towards international migrants. Notwithstanding the forces of globalization, states have maintained their monopoly power over whom to admit and whom to deny within their borders. In other words, they remain the sovereign authority regulating the entry and exit of people. However, in recent years, a number of states have singled out international immigration as the greatest political and social threat to their cultural and national security. The securitization of immigration is founded upon the premise that the international movement of p...