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Rethinking Social Capital
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 328

Rethinking Social Capital

Concepts of social capital play a well-established role in a number of academic disciplines and continue to grow in popularity in the discourses of the sciences, as well as those of civil society and social practice. As an element that is fundamental and constitutive of various forms of societal coexistence and wellbeing, social capital apparently generates positive effects. However, it also contributes to inequalities and unequal distribution of power, and is, consequently, a rather controversial subject. This collection of essays represents reflections and case studies from all over the world. They step out of well-known paths of discourse and discuss the phenomenon of social capital in ma...

Angewandte Soziologie
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 506

Angewandte Soziologie

Es werden die Vorteile einer angewandten Soziologie anhand der soziologischen Stadtforschung, des sozialen Wandels, der sozialen Integration und der Lebensstilforschung aufgezeigt.

Multivariate scaling methods and the reconstruction of social spaces
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 259

Multivariate scaling methods and the reconstruction of social spaces

Der Sammelband vereint Beiträge von führenden Forscherinnen und Forschern im Bereich statistischer Methoden und deren Anwendung in den Sozialwissenschaften mit einem besonderen Fokus auf sozialen Räumen. Multivariate Skalierungsmethoden für kategoriale Daten, speziell Korrespondenzanalyse, werden verwendet um die wichtigsten Dimensionen aus komplexen Kreuztabellen mit vielen Variablen zu extrahieren und Zusammenhänge in den Daten bildlich darzustellen. In diesem Band werden statistische Weiterentwicklungen, grundsätzliche methodologische Überlegungen und empirische Anwendungen multivariater Analysemethoden diskutiert. Mehrere Anwendungsbeispiele thematisieren verschiedene Aspekte des Raumes und deren soziologische Bedeutung: die Rekonstruktion „sozialer Räume“ mit statistischen Methoden, die Illustration räumlicher Beziehungen zwischen Nähe, Distanz und Ungleichheit, aber auch konkrete Interaktionen in urbanen Räumen. Der Band erscheint zur Würdigung der wissenschaftlichen Leistungen von Prof. Jörg Blasius.

Planning Cultures in Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 335

Planning Cultures in Europe

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-12-05
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Bringing together an interdisciplinary team from across the EU, this book connects elements of cultural and planning theories to explain differences and peculiarities among EU member states. A 'culturized planning model' is introduced to consider the 'rules of the game': how culture affects planning practices not only on an explicit 'surface' but also on a 'hidden' implicit level. The model consists of three analytical dimensions: 'planning artifacts', 'planning environment' and 'societal environment'. This book adopts these dimensions to compare planning cultures of different European countries. This sheds light not only on the organizational or institutional structure of planning, but also the influence of deeper cultural values and layers on planning and implementation processes.

Politik der Inklusion und Exklusion
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 240

Politik der Inklusion und Exklusion

Internal exclusion, rather than full democratic inclusion, characterizes European immigration societies. Migrants build a part of politics and society, yet they are structurally excluded from participation in certain segments of the life. This edited volume aims to contribute to the explanation of the unequal access to differentiated rights and resources by using the concept of inclusion and exclusion. It focuses on material and symbolic mechanisms and conditions, attitudes and discourses, which produce differentiated rights and belongings of migrants. The book includes both conceptual-theoretical and empirical contributions. The topics addressed include: how spatial and temporal criteria regulate the access to social and political rights, which conflicts and negotiation processes over citizenship are taking place, which political actors are involved in these processes, and how civil society protests against exclusion.

Stadt und soziale Ungleichheit
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 320

Stadt und soziale Ungleichheit

"Stadt und soziale Ungleichheit" ist ein ebenso klassisches wie hochaktuelles Thema in Stadtsoziologie und Stadtplanung. Standen in den 70er Jahren vor allem klassen- und schichtspezifisch bedingte Ungleichheiten im Mittelpunkt des Interesses, so hat sich heute die Debatte im zuge der Pluralisierung der Gesellschaft ausdifferenziert. Alters-, geschlechts- und ethnisch bedingte Unterschiede, sowie Unterschiede des Lebensstils, sind in den Vordergrund des Interesses gerückt. Das Buch thematisiert diese Veränderungen in der stadtsoziologischen Interpretation wie in der stadtplanerischen Bearbeitung des Themas: Wieviel Ungleichheit braucht die Stadt, wieviel verträgt sie? Bis wann erwachsen aus sozialen Unterschieden der Raumaneignung "Identität", "Milieu", "Urbanität", ab wann "Ungerechtigkeit" und planerischer Handlungsbedarf?

Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 246

Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration

The material in this book is based upon an academic conference held in Liverpool in 1990 which explored West European urban development and strategies by looking at commissioned studies of cities in six EC countries - Britain, The Netherlands, France, Spain, Germany and Italy.

War Diaries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 248

War Diaries

In recent decades, the development of advanced weaponry systems and the instant flow of information have redefined the notion of urban warfare as a local phenomenon with global effects in an increasingly interconnected world. The annihilation of Aleppo and the broadcasted demolitions of Palmyra demonstrate the accelerating politicization of the destruction process. In this timely volume, Elisa Dainese, Aleksandar Staničić, and a broad range of contributors explore the weaponization of architecture—targeted attacks on art and infrastructure meant to destroy not only physical structures but also political unity and cultural memory. Focusing on regions where planners, architects, and artist...

Social Stratification and Social Movements
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 185

Social Stratification and Social Movements

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-11-22
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This volume addresses the contested relationship between social stratification and social movements in three different ways: First, the authors address the relationship between social stratification and the emergence of protest mobilization. Second, the texts look at social stratification and social positions to explain variations in political orientations, as well as differing aims and interests of protestors. Finally, the volume focuses on the socio-structural composition of protestors. Social Stratification and Social Movements takes up recent attempts to reconnect research on these two fields. Instead of calling for a return of a class perspective or abandoning the classical social movement research agenda, it introduces a multi-dimensional perspective on stratification and social movements and broadens the view by extending the empirical analysis beyond Europe.

Metropolitan Governance
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 353

Metropolitan Governance

Metropolregionen gelten als Motoren ökonomischen Wachstums. Ihre politisch-administrativen Strukturen berücksichtigen die enge Verflechtung der Ballungsräume zumeist jedoch nicht. So kommt es, dass die Umlandgemeinden wirtschaftlich kraftvoller und politisch selbstbewusster geworden sind, während die Kernstädte durch die großräumige Zersiedelung zunehmend belastet werden. In sieben Fallstudien aus Israel und Deutschland analysiert der Band die Herausforderungen für eine Metropolenpolitik.