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The global phenomenon of political consumerism is known through such diverse manifestations as corporate boycotts, increased preferences for organic and fairtrade products, and lifestyle choices such as veganism. It has also become an area of increasing research across a variety of disciplines. Political consumerism uses consumer power to change institutional or market practices that are found ethically, environmentally, or politically objectionable. Through such actions, the goods offered on the consumer market are problematized and politicized. Distinctions between consumers and citizens and between the economy and politics collapse. The Oxford Handbook of Political Consumerism offers the ...
This handbook provides readers with up-to-date knowledge on environmental movements and activism and is a reference point for international work in the field. It offers an assessment of environmental movements in different regions of the world, macrostructural conditions and processes underlying their mobilization, the microstructural and social-psychological dimensions of environmental movements and activism, and current trends, as well as prospects for environmental movements and social change. The handbook provides critical reviews and appraisals of the current state of the art and future development of conceptual and theoretical approaches as well as empirical knowledge and understanding...
Respiration in plants, as in all living organisms, is essential to provide metabolic energy and carbon skeletons for growth and maintenance. As such, respiration is an essential component of a plant’s carbon budget. Depending on species and environmental conditions, it consumes 25-75% of all the carbohydrates produced in photosynthesis – even more at extremely slow growth rates. Respiration in plants can also proceed in a manner that produces neither metabolic energy nor carbon skeletons, but heat. This type of respiration involves the cyanide-resistant, alternative oxidase; it is unique to plants, and resides in the mitochondria. The activity of this alternative pathway can be measured based on a difference in fractionation of oxygen isotopes between the cytochrome and the alternative oxidase. Heat production is important in some flowers to attract pollinators; however, the alternative oxidase also plays a major role in leaves and roots of most plants. A common thread throughout this volume is to link respiration, including alternative oxidase activity, to plant functioning in different environments.
Tax and taxation are conventionally understood as the embodiment of social contract. This ground-breaking collection of essays challenges this truism, examining what tax might tell us about the limits of social-contract thinking. The contributors shed light on contemporary fiscal structures and public debates about the moralities, practices, and imaginaries of tax systems, using tax to explore the nature of citizenship, personal freedom, and moral and economic value. Their ethnographically grounded accounts show how taxation may be influenced by spaces of fiscal sovereignty that exist outside or alongside the state, taking various forms, from alternative religious communities to economic collectives.
Durant unes vacances al sud de França, quan la Cora té vuit anys, es perd en una excursió en bicicleta. Quan esclata una tempesta, busca refugi en una cova on troba unes pintures que li resulten estranyament familiars, i que li desperten records amagats. Això posarà en marxa una recerca obsessiva dels seus orígens. Aquest és el detonant d'una història laberíntica, un thriller que combina la poètica i la reflexió, en què la Cora s'enfrontarà a un trencaclosques íntim on les peces del passat i del present encaixaran fins a desvetllar la seva identitat. Elisenda Solsona se'ns emporta pàgines endins en un misteri que té com a teló de fons la plaga social dels problemes de fertilitat i les relacions maternals que se'n deriven. Mammalia és una novel·la sobre les conseqüències devastadores del passat, i sobre com els secrets de família es poden convertir en malediccions.
La Rut ha fugit. Viatja sola fins a Iowa i s'atura en un poblet anomenat Frankville. S'instal·la en un motel rònec on s'allotgen tota mena de dones solitàries, perdudes o trencades, amb les quals a poc a poc establirà vincles. Però la Rut no pot parlar, per això escriu a l'Hac, l'home que ha deixat enrere, i li intenta explicar els motius que l'han fet marxar. Tanmateix, no pot ser sincera amb ell, perquè porta la mentida a dins. Així, mentre deambula pel poble i es barreja amb els seus habitants, coneix personatges tan desconcertants com Frank, el gelater, líder d'una secta anomenada «Franquesa Radical», que aposta per la sinceritat absoluta aplicada a tots els àmbits de la vida. AIOUA és un territori mental, un lloc on les emocions es converteixen en imatges, i on la força visual i evocadora de la prosa de Roser Cabré-Verdiell aconsegueix treure tot el seu potencial. AIOUA és una novel·la sobre la necessitat d'entendre el nostre passat per poder acceptar el present i afrontar el futur. Un llibre íntim i colpidor, oníric i profundament emotiu.
This collection seeks to expand the limits of current debates about urban commoning practices that imply a radical will to establish collaborative and solidarity networks based on anti-capitalist principles of economics, ecology and ethics. The chapters in this volume draw on case studies in a diversity of urban contexts, ranging from Detroit, USA to Kyrenia, Cyprus – on urban gardening and land stewardship, collaborative housing experiments, alternative food networks, claims to urban leisure space, migrants’ appropriation of urban space and workers’ cooperatives/collectives. The analysis pursued by the eleven chapters opens new fields of research in front of us: the entanglements of racial capitalism with enclosures and of black geographies with the commons, the critical history of settler colonialism and indigenous commons, law as a force of enclosure and as a strategy of commoning, housing commons from the urban scale perspective, solidarity economies as labour commons, territoriality in the urban commons, the non-territoriality of mobile commons, the new materialist and post-humanist critique of the commons debate and feminist ethics of care.
«El ciudadano que desarrolla dentro de él al artista que es, aun sin saberlo, puede enfrentarse mejor a las industrias de la palabra, del sonido y de la imagen. El ciudadano que se deja ritualizar en la obediencia se vuelve un ventrílocuo del pensamiento ajeno y un mimo de sus gestos.» Augusto Boal “Actores somos todos nosotros, y ciudadano no es aquel que vive en sociedad: ¡es aquel que la transforma!” Augusto Boal, Mensaje Internacional del Día Mundial del Teatro, 27 de marzo de 2009. En La Estética del oprimido (2006), revisada y actualizada por el autor poco antes de su muerte en 2009, Boal fundamenta los principios de su célebre e influyente método –el Teatro del Oprimido– en una estética viva, que descubre en cada ciudadano a un artista y le exhorta a manifestar esa capacidad para rebelarse contra el lenguaje impuesto por los mecanismos del poder.
The relentless pursuit of economic growth is the defining characteristic of contemporary societies. Yet it benefits few and demands monstrous social and ecological sacrifice. Is there a viable alternative? How can we halt the endless quest to grow global production and consumption and instead secure socio-ecological conditions that support lives worth living for all? In this compelling book, leading experts Giorgos Kallis, Susan Paulson, Giacomo D’Alisa and Federico Demaria make the case for degrowth - living well with less, by living differently, prioritizing wellbeing, equity and sustainability. Drawing on emerging initiatives and enduring traditions around the world, they advance a radical degrowth vision and outline policies to shape work and care, income and investment that avoid exploitative and unsustainable practices. Degrowth, they argue, can be achieved through transformative strategies that allow societies to slow down by design, not disaster. Essential reading for all concerned citizens, policy-makers, and students, this book will be an important contribution to one of the thorniest and most pressing debates of our era.
Essential reading for anyone wishing to engage with images, technologies and society, Doing Visual Ethnography is a milestone in ethnographic and visual research. The Third Edition of this classic text includes new chapters on web-based practices for visual ethnography and the issues surrounding the representation, interpretation, and authoring of knowledge with the rise of digital media. The book provides a foundation for thinking about visual ethnography and introduces the practical and theoretical issues relating to the visual and digital technologies used in the field. Drawing upon her original research and the experiences of other ethnographers, author Sarah Pink once again challenges our understanding of the world and sets new agendas for visual ethnography by: Helpfully illustrating key concepts within real world contexts Introducing examples from both analogue and digital media Exploring material and electronic texts Setting out the shift towards applied, participatory and public visual scholarship. This book is a must-have for students and researchers across the social sciences who are interested in incorporating audiovisual media into their research practice.