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Perlindungan anak di Indonesia
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 185

Perlindungan anak di Indonesia

description not available right now.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 256


Pesantren sebagai satu wadah proses pendidikan berupaya mengurangi jurang pemisah antara penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dengan praksis ilmu pengetahuan itu memalui sistem pendidikan asrama dengan tradisi-tradisinya yang khas. Pada awalnya pesantren didirikan sebagai lembaga pendidikan dan pengajaran agama Islam yang ditujukan untuk menyiapkan kader penyebar agama namun dalam perkembangannya, institusi ini sebagian besar telah berubah menjadi institusi pendidikan alternatif yang menyediakan layanan pendidikan madrasah dan sekolah, tanpa mengurai tradisi-tradisi yang khas. Dalam sistem pendidikan itu, santri dilatih dan dibentuk untuk menyerap nilai-nilai adiluhung yang berorientasi agama Islam d...

Radikalisme dan Strategi Resiliensi Pelajar di Sekolah dan Madrasah
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 153

Radikalisme dan Strategi Resiliensi Pelajar di Sekolah dan Madrasah

Radikalisme dan terorisme saat ini telah menjadi tantangan serius bagi generasi. Apalagi jaringan kelompok radikal dan terorisme sangat beragam. Tak banyak orang mengetahui dengan baik, terkait keragaman kelompok radikal yang tumbuh di Indonesia. Fatalnya sebagian masyarakat memahaminya sebagai hal biasa, karena seringkali menggunakan modus mengatas namakan agama, padahal apa yang dilakukan justru menodai nilai-nilai kesucian ajaran suatu agama. Anak usia sekolah merupakan usia rentan menjadi sasaran jaringan kelompok radikal. Usia mereka merupakan usia tumbuh kembang. Apalagi anak pada usia 15 – 17 tahun. Meski tak semuanya demikian, namun usia ini merupakan usia rentan terpapar mengalami...

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Prodi PGMI dan PIAUD Iain Padangsidimpuan
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 502

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Prodi PGMI dan PIAUD Iain Padangsidimpuan

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-07-21
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  • Publisher: Samudra Biru

Seminar Nasional ini diselenggarakan untuk mengembangkan wawasan mengenai pentingnya pengembangan metodologi penelitian khususnya di PGMI dan PIAUD. Pengetahuan akan metode penelitian menjadi syarat mutlak bagi mahasiswa maupun dosen dalam pelaksanaan penelitian dan penulisan karya ilmiah. Seminar ini juga memberikan kesempatan bagi para pemakalah yang berasal dari akademisi dan praktisi untuk mendiseminasikan hasil-hasil penelitian atau kajian kritis terhadap pengembangan riset di PAUD dan Sekolah Dasar menggunakan metode penelitian yang tepat. Hasil dari diseminasi ini diharapkan mampu memberikan pemikiran untuk meningkatkan pengembangan mutu penelitian dosen maupun mahasiswa. Seminar ini mempunyai beberapa topik, yaitu: Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Metode Penelitian Campuran/Mix Method, dan Metode Penelitian Pengembangan (RnD). Atas nama pimpinan dan sebagai penanggung jawab kegiatan, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh panitia penyelenggara, narasumber, moderator, pemakalah/penulis artikel, serta berbagai pihak yang berpartisipasi dalam acara ini sehingga dapat berjalan dengan lancar sesuai harapan.

Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) in the Marketing Context
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 148

Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) in the Marketing Context

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-02-15
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  • Publisher: Springer

This SpringerBrief offers a state of the art analysis of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communications and its role in marketing. The book begins with an overview of traditional word-of-mouth (WOM) and its evolution to eWOM. It discusses the differences between traditional and online WOM. The book examines why people engage in eWOM communications, but also how consumers evaluate its persuasiveness. It also looks at the effects of eWOM. The book identifies current gaps in the eWOM research, but also highlights future directions for this growing field. eWOM is an important marketing technique in brand communications, and it plays an important role in modern e-commerce. Marketers become extremely interested in enhancing the power of eWOM developing loyalty programs and building brands. Studying the effect of eWOM can be beneficial for companies. This book should be a good resource for scholars and practitioners that need to understand the pervasive effects of eWOM.

Introduction to Forensic Psychology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 887

Introduction to Forensic Psychology

"The text provides a great, general overview of different areas of criminal and civil forensic psychology." —Apryl Alexander, PsyD, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Denver Written by authors with extensive experience in the field and in the classroom, Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application, Fifth Edition demonstrates how to analyze psychological knowledge and research findings and then apply these findings to the civil and criminal justice systems. Focusing on research-based forensic practice and practical application, this text uses real-life examples and case law discussions to define and explore forensic psychology. This text introduces students to emer...

Proceedings of the 3rd International Halal Conference (INHAC 2016)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 559

Proceedings of the 3rd International Halal Conference (INHAC 2016)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-02-23
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book contains selected papers which were presented at the 3rd International Halal Conference (INHAC 2016), organized by the Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, Malaysia. It addresses halal-related issues that are applicable to various industries and explores a variety of contemporary and emerging issues. Highlighting findings from both scientific and social research studies, it enhances the discussion on the halal industry (both in Malaysia and at the international level), and serves as an invitation to engage in more advanced research on the global halal industry.

Islamic Capital Market
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 307

Islamic Capital Market

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2011-11-16
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Islamic Capital Market is a series of six titles endorsed by the Securities Commission Malaysia and published by LexisNexis. The publication of the books is in response to the expanding role of Islamic capital market, resulting from the phenomenal growth of Islamic capital market globally. The six titles provide an understanding of the basic concepts of Islamic capital market, its features and philosophy, the applicable regulatory principles, legal and accounting frameworks, important challenges, key trends, fundamentals and the governing principles of Islamic commercial law (Fiqh al-muamalat), as well as the distinctive features and structures of Islamic equities and Islamic securities (suk...

Conflict: Readings in Management and Resolution
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 366

Conflict: Readings in Management and Resolution

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1990-09-25
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  • Publisher: Springer

Conflict resolution is now recognized as a major area of research. Yet because of its pervasive nature as a subject, drawing on so many different disciplines, there has long been a need for a reader, bringing together many of the most important and representative essays written to date. This book aims to fill the gap. Equally important, a comprehensive bibliography further anchors the subject - providing academics, diplomats, students and others interested in conflict studies with an excellent basis for future research.

Islam and Citizenship Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 328

Islam and Citizenship Education

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-01-14
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  • Publisher: Springer

The scholarly contributors to this volume investigate various means to stimulate and facilitate reflection on new social relations while clarifying the contradictions between religious and social affiliation from different perspectives and experiences. They explore hindrances whose removal could enable Muslim children and youth to pursue equal participation in political and social life, and the ways that education could facilitate this process.