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In post-Cold War international relations, strategic partnerships are an emerging and distinct analytical and political category critical in understanding the dynamics of contemporary strategic cooperation between states and International Organizations. However, the idea of strategic partnerships has remained under-theorized and overshadowed by the alliance theory. Addressing this clear-cut gap in the International Relations/Foreign Policy Analysis literature, this book originally endeavors to theorize and empirically test the analytical model of strategic partnerships as a new form of sustainable international cooperation in times of globalized interdependence and turbulence.
The book presents a multifaceted analysis of the social security system in the Balkan states and offers a comprehensive overview and recommendations on social problems in the region.
Fascists in Exile tells the extraordinary story of the war criminals, collaborators and fascist ultranationalists who were resettled in Australia by the International Refugee Organisation between 1947 and 1952. It explores the far-right backgrounds and continuing political activism of these displaced persons in Australia, adding to our knowledge of the development of Australian anti-communism in the 1950s. These individuals argued that they had been caught between National Socialism and Soviet communism. What might that have meant for their migration and resettlement trajectories? Beyond ‘Nazi-hunting,’ what can this tell us about the challenge they posed to international and national forms, both in Europe and in Australia? This book demonstrates that fascist ideation could not only survive the war’s end but that it continued to be transnational and transcultural. At the same time, anti-fascist protests and then the war crimes investigations of the late 1980s exposed problematic pasts, a legacy with which Australia is still reckoning. The text will appeal to those with an interest in the far right, Australian migration and refugee issues.
"An extremely useful and much needed survey. Over eleven chapters, authors from eight countries cover the complex history of migration from the perspective of Central and Eastern Europe between 1945 and 1993. Following in the footsteps of Klaus Bade’s Encyclopedia of European Migrations, the authors make extensive use of sources in national languages, while providing an extensive overview of population movements in the region between the Baltic, Black, and Adriatic Seas. The individual chapters shed light on phenomena overlooked in other volumes, including individual state reactions to various migratory phenomenon, and the political, economic, and ideological consequences of human movement...
This book draws together leading experts to examine the key issues in China-EU relations. China-EU relations are increasingly complex and affected by a number of inter-related factors, such as China’s global rise, growing China-US strategic competition, US global withdrawal, the transatlantic split, the China-Russia comprehensive "alliance," and Brexit. The book highlights the struggles of both China and the EU to look for a dynamic and durable mode of engagement in an attempt to achieve the balance between opportunities and challenges, and between partnership and rivalry. International contributors explore how to conceptualise China-EU relations and identify their differences and commonal...
The book presents a multifaceted analysis of the social security system in the Balkan states and offers a comprehensive overview and recommendations on social problems in the region.
Since its independence in 1947, India's leaders have sought to grasp the greatness that the country seemed destined for. India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, articulated these aspirations early on but, overwhelmed by development challenges, his successors focused largely on domestic concerns rather than on global leadership. The post-1991 era saw India positioned for the first time in many decades as an economic success, suggesting that it was on the cusp of breaking out as a global player. The twenty-odd years following the 1991 reforms were heady for India. Based on the expectation that India was now poised to ascend as a major power, Prime Minister Narendra Modi-less than a yea...
The following volume is devoted to the issues of European models of civil societies. The aim of the authors is not to exhaust the whole topic but to bring forward some studies related to the civil society, both in the historical but also present perspective. Civil society is an important factor in a well-functioning state and crucial for developing a real, active and conscious community, which is able to control the state and its’ servants. Even more importantly, when the state fails to react to negative developments or leaders misuse their power to enforce it in fulfilling its duties, and in the most radical, or dramatic cases to replace it or change the governors. Democratic order gives the society enough tools to do this and the internet, social media and other new means of communication improve the level of self-organisation and shorten the time for potential reactions.
W niniejszej książce partnerstwo strategiczne jest analizowane w kategoriach empirycznych i teoretycznych jako forma współpracy między państwami i organizacjami międzynarodowymi, uwarunkowana zmianami na poziomie systemu międzynarodowego po zakończeniu zimnej wojny. Jedną z niezaprzeczalnych zalet tej publikacji jest przede wszystkim rezygnacja z państwocentrycznego podejścia do partnerstwa strategicznego, jakie dominuje dotychczas w badaniach nad stosunkami międzynarodowymi. Po drugie, partnerstwo strategiczne jako forma współpracy między NATO, UE, ASEAN, Wspólnotą Andyjską a 14 państwami jest analizowane, z jednej strony, jako względnie nowy obszar praktyk w stosunkach międzynarodowych, a z drugiej — jako przedmiot myślenia teoretycznego i jako zaproponowany oryginalny model, który jest sugerowanym narzędziem do badania funkcjonowania partnerstw strategicznych. Prof. dr hab. Marek Pietraś
本書由29位學者共同執筆,是繼《邁入廿一世紀的政治學》和《政治學的回顧與前瞻》後,第三次針對臺灣政治學各個領域的發展進行全方位的回顧。內容包含政治理論與研究方法、比較政治、國際關係與兩岸關係、公共行政與政策、臺灣政治,以及中國大陸政治六大範疇,共22篇專章。本書以臺灣學者的研究成果為核心,傳承先前兩本著作的編撰精神,回顧學科的發展脈絡,探討學門現況的整體面貌,提出未來可能的重要研究課題,是我國政治學術社群的自省與規劃。 本書以淺顯易懂的方式引領讀者閱讀,瞭解當代臺灣政治學的概況,對於政治學相關科系大三、大四、研究所學生,甚至是甫取得博士學位準備踏入學術領域的年輕學者,以及對政治學有興趣的社會大眾而言,這是一本必讀的知識全書。