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This practical training guidebook makes an important contribution to karst hydrogeology. It presents supporting material for academic courses worldwide that include this and similar topics. It is an excellent sourcebook for students and other attendees of the International Karst School: Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers, which opened in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina in 2014 and which will be organized every year in early summer. As opposed to more theoretical works, this is a catalog of possible engineering interventions in karst and their implications. Although the majority of readers will be professionals with geology/hydrogeology backgrounds, the language is not purely technical making it accessible to a wider audience. This means that the methodology, case studies and experiences presented will also benefit water managers working in karst environments.
17 MAEGS, Geological excursion, 17-18 September 2011.
This volume presents papers in honour of Tony James Wilkinson, who was Professor of Archaeology at Durham University from 2006 until his death in 2014. Though commemorative in concept, the volume is an assemblage of new research representing emerging agendas and innovative methods in remote sensing and their application in Near Eastern archaeology.
description not available right now.
Cunoscuţi sub diverse denumiri generalizante, evanghelicii – o prezenţă relativ recentă în spaţiul românesc – îşi au de fapt rădăcinile în protestantism, mai precis în Reforma radicală. Din diverse motive, cel mai adesea exterioare acestei minorităţi religioase, studierea în scop ştiinţific a comunităţilor constituite de ei a început destul de târziu, luând amploare abia în postcomunism. Omul evanghelic. O explorare a comunităţilor protestante româneşti este un volum colectiv în care cititorul interesat va descoperi informaţii inedite despre istoria şi identitatea evanghelicilor, despre locul pe care Biblia îl ocupă în viaţa lor (fiind abordate şi elemente de teologie şi hermeneutică biblică), dar şi despre operele arhitecturale sau literare realizate ori adoptate de aceste comunităţi eclesiale.