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New Narratives of Russian and East European Art
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 228

New Narratives of Russian and East European Art

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-12-20
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book brings together thirteen scholars to introduce the newest and most cutting-edge research in the field of Russian and East European art history. Reconsidering canonical figures, re-examining prevalent debates, and revisiting aesthetic developments, the book challenges accepted histories and entrenched dichotomies in art and architecture from the nineteenth century to the present. In doing so, it resituates the artistic production of this region within broader socio-cultural currents and analyzes its interconnections with international discourse, competing political and aesthetic ideologies, and continuous discussions over identity.

Architectura perennis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 348

Architectura perennis

Joze Plecnik (1872-1957), one of the most important European architects of the twentieth century, created a highly original and independent architectural language. Drawing on the architecture of antiquity, the theories of Gottfried Semper and the teachings of Otto Wagner, Plecnik developed a refined but eclectic classicism that has become increasingly popular today. In this authoritative book, Damjan Prelovsek describes the life and work of the architect, analysing his buildings and his relationships with other architects and patrons, and placing his work in the perspective of current architectural ideas and practices. Prelovsek relates how Otto Wagner recognized Plecnik's enormous gifts and...

Advancing a Different Modernism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 131

Advancing a Different Modernism

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-10-30
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Advancing a Different Modernism analyzes a long-ignored but formative aspect of modern architecture and art. By examining selective buildings by the Catalan architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner (1850-1923) and by the Slovenian designer Jože Plecnik (1872-1957), the book reveals the fundamental political and ideological conservatism that helped shape modernism’s history and purpose. This study thus revises the dominant view of modernism as a union of progressive forms and progressive politics. Instead, this innovative volume promotes a nuanced and critical consideration of how architecture was creatively employed to advance radically new forms and methods, while simultaneously consolidating an essentially conservative nationalist self-image.

The Largest Art
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 379

The Largest Art

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-10-27
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  • Publisher: MIT Press

Why urban design is larger than architecture: the foundational qualities of urban design, examples and practitioners Urban design in practice is incremental, but architects imagine it as scaled-up architecture—large, ready-to-build pop-up cities. This paradox of urban design is rarely addressed; indeed, urban design as a discipline lacks a theoretical foundation. In The Largest Art, Brent Ryan argues that urban design encompasses more than architecture, and he provides a foundational theory of urban design beyond the architectural scale. In a “declaration of independence” for urban design, Ryan describes urban design as the largest of the building arts, with qualities of its own. Ryan ...

Glasbeni barok na Slovenskem in evropska glasba
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 232

Glasbeni barok na Slovenskem in evropska glasba

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1997-01-01
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  • Publisher: Založba ZRC

V zborniku so zbrane razprave, ki so bile predstavljene na mednarodnem simpoziju, posvečenem spominu na akademika Dragotina Cvetka (1911–1993). Poglavitna pozornost je veljala slovenskemu glasbenemu baroku, ki se je razvijal vzporedno s takrat napredno evropsko glasbo. To problematiko uvajata prispevka o estetski normiranosti in posebej o zgodnjebaročni problematiki (M. Bergamo, B. Bujič). Teme osrednjega dela zbornika segajo od razvojnih značilnosti baročnega obdobja s periodizacijo (I. Klemenčič) do ustvarjalnih prispevkov posameznih skladateljev (M. Kokole, B. Šinigoj, T. Faganel). Posebej je osvetljena problematika glasbenega poustvarjanja (J. Sivec, K. Bedina, E. Škulj). Interdisciplinarni vidik zajema področji slovenske literature in umetnostne zgodovine (J. Faganel, D. Prelovšek), mednarodni sega zlasti k bližnjim srednjeevropskim glasbenim kulturam (R. Flotzinger, J. Sehnal, K. Kos, S. Tuksar).

Marija Terezija
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 546

Marija Terezija

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-09-01
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  • Publisher: Založba ZRC

Monografija o Mariji Tereziji se pridružuje številnim obeležitvam 300. obletnice rojstva cesarice Marije Terezije, ki so potekale v letu 2017. Vladarica je bila v preteklosti pogosto objekt znanstvenega raziskovanja, a večinoma v tujem zgodovinopisju. Slovensko zgodovinopisje se je do sedaj z njenim življenjem in vladanjem ukvarjalo sorazmerno malo. Pričujoča monografija tako prinaša številne nove ugotovitve in nove poglede na Marijo Terezijo in njeno dobo. Pri monografiji je sodelovalo več kot dvajset priznanih raziskovalcev, večinoma iz Slovenije, nekaj pa tudi iz tujine. Izhodišče prispevkov je slovenski prostor in vplivi cesaričnih reform nanj. Te reforme so bile korenite, temeljite in dolgoročne, kar pomeni, da njihove učinke čutimo še danes, čeprav se tega morda ne zavedamo. Druga rdeča nit monografije pa je ohranjanje spomina na Marijo Terezijo na Slovenskem kot tudi v njenih nekdanjih deželah, ki so danes samostojne države (Avstrija, Madžarska, Hrvaška in Češka). Monografija je napisana pretežno v slovenskem jeziku, medtem ko so prispevki tujih avtorjev v tujem jeziku (nemško, angleško, italijansko in hrvaško) z daljšim slovenskim povzetkom.

Relating Architecture to Landscape
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 572

Relating Architecture to Landscape

These essays make a unique contribution to the documentation of twentieth century landscape architecture. They address key moments in history that have sometimes been overlooked or forgotten, emerging moments, and potential moments of leverage. The essays present contemporary examples in architecture, landscape architecture and garden design that offer new models. Relating Architecture to Landscape will challenge accepted assumptions about the nature of landscape architecture.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-11-20
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  • Publisher: Birkhäuser

Materiality is a recurring and central issue in architecture. This book explains how materials are "constructed", how they become cultural substances. Metamorphism investigates the complex relationship between natural materials and technology, science and sensuality. Gottfried Semper (1803–1879) made the notion of Stoffwechsel the key element of his theory. With this concept he intended to explain how a structural form originally bound to a method of processing is transferred from one material to another, liberated from its original function. For the first time, the book investigates the subject from a historic point of view whilst reflecting on current interdisciplinary research. Examples from Aalto to Zumthor illustrate the specific aspects of historic and contemporary material concepts.

Ideological Equals
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 273

Ideological Equals

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-08-05
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Ideological Equals: Women Architects in Socialist Europe 1945-1989 presents an alternative narrative of women in architecture. A topic often considered from the perspective of difference, this edited collection conversely focuses on the woman architect in a position of equality with their male counterparts. The book looks at nations in Eastern Europe under Socialism where, between 1945 and 1989, a contrasting vision of gender relations was propagated in response to the need for engineers and architects. It includes contributions from established and emerging academics in the fields of 20th century history, art history, and architectural history in Central and Eastern Europe exploring the political, economic and social mechanisms which either encouraged or limited the rise of the woman architect. Investigating the inherent contradictions of Socialist gender ideology and practice, this illustrated volume examines the individuals in different contexts; the building types the women produced; the books and theory they were able to write; their contacts to international organizations; and their representation on both sides of the Iron Curtain.

Interurban Knowledge Exchange in Southern and Eastern Europe, 1870–1950
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 295

Interurban Knowledge Exchange in Southern and Eastern Europe, 1870–1950

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-10-22
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Around 1900 cities in Southern and Eastern Europe were persistently labeled "backward" and "delayed." Allegedly, they had no alternative but to follow the role model of the metropolises, of London, Paris or Vienna. This edited volume fundamentally questions this assumption. It shows that cities as diverse as Barcelona, Berdyansk, Budapest, Lviv, Milan, Moscow, Prague, Warsaw and Zagreb pursued their own agendas of modernization. In order to solve their pressing problems with respect to urban planning and public health, they searched for best practices abroad. The solutions they gleaned from other cities were eclectic to fit the specific needs of a given urban space and were thus often innova...