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The Soul of Matter
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 153

The Soul of Matter

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-03-11
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  • Publisher: FE Editora

This book provides guidelines for evaluating the contribution of Spiritism to health. It is based on conferences presented in six European countries in October 2002 on the following themes: Principles of Spiritist Medicine and Bioethics, Perispirit, The Reincarnation Process, and Human Cloning. This book emphasizes the integral being: Spirit-matter, the complexity of subtle bodies, new concepts of health and illnesses, anamnesis and pathogenesis, and the integration of Spirituality into medical treatments highlighting the healing power of faith and love. It answers serious questions about Human Cloning, such as: "is it acceptable to clone people or to produce human embryos and then use them ...

Electronic Projects from the Next Dimension
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 276

Electronic Projects from the Next Dimension

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2001
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  • Publisher: Newnes

For years paranormal scientists have explored the detection and documentation of spirits, auras, ESP, hypnosis, and many more phenomena through electronics. Electronic Projects from the Next Dimension provides useful information on building practical circuits and projects, and applying the knowledge to unique experiments in the paranormal field. The author writes about dozens of inexpensive projects to help electronics hobbyists search for and document their own answers about instrumental transcommunication (ITC), the electronic voice phenomenon (EVP), and paranormal experiments involving ESP, auras, and Kirlian photography. Although paranormal studies are considered esoteric, Electronic Projects from the Next Dimension teaches the technical skills needed to make devices that can be used in many different kinds of experiments. Each section indicates how the circuit can be used in paranormal experiments with suggestions about procedures and how to analyze the results. Provides unique projects for believers and skeptics Perfect for any level of electronics experience Learn from these basics projects and design your own applications

Entre a Coroa e a Fé
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 242

Entre a Coroa e a Fé

Verena Habsburgo, a primogênita do Rei Filipe III da Espanha, Portugal e Algarves, Nápoles, Sardenha e Sicília, se vê prematuramente na obrigação de ocupar o trono quando seu pai aparece súbita e estranhamente morto, num suposto suicídio. Seu reino é controlado de perto pelo Vaticano e, cedo, ela começa a perceber que precisará ser firme para seguir suas crenças e valores, visionários para a época. Ela vai se unir a improváveis aliados e descobrir que algumas pessoas que acreditava estarem juntas à sua luta não são tão confiáveis quanto imaginava.

The Reporter
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 332

The Reporter

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1935
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  • Publisher: Unknown

description not available right now.

Latina/o Healing Practices
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 361

Latina/o Healing Practices

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2011-03-17
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This edited volume focuses on the role of traditional or indigenous healers, as well as the application of traditional healing practices in contemporary counseling and therapeutic modalities with Latina/o people. The book offers a broad coverage of important topics, such as traditional healer’s views of mental/psychological health and well-being, the use of traditional healing techniques in contemporary psychotherapy, and herbal remedies in psychiatric practice. It also discusses common factors across traditional healing methods and contemporary psychotherapies, the importance of spirituality in counseling and everyday life, the application of indigenous healing practices with Latina/o undergraduates, indigenous techniques in working with perpetrators of domestic violence, and religious healing systems and biomedical models. The book is an important reference for anyone working within the general field of mental health practice and those seeking to understand culturally relevant practice with Latina/o populations.

Voices from Beyond
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292

Voices from Beyond

Instrumental Transcommunication is a technique that allows communication with our loved ones who are in another plane of existence, and listen to their voices through electronic instruments of ordinary use, such as radios, recorders, televisions, phones. This book includes theoretical and practical aspects of one of the most disturbing anome phenomena. In this book, among many other things you will find:- How psychophonies serve tens of thousands of people around the world to alleviate grief when they have lost a loved one- The first unknown voices were recorded more than a hundred years ago- Renowned inventors and other unknowns developed devices to communicate with the afterlife, some dictated apparently from the 'other world' - Voices are recorded not only on recorders, but also on radios, phones, computers and other electronic devices- Voices claim to be deceased people living in a 'next world'- Computer science has compared people's voices while living with psychophonies, with surprising results- All the keys to experimenting on psychophonic voices- In addition to voices, paranormal images offer a complementary view on the alleged communication with the afterlife

  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 2237


A Bíblia condena a prestação do serviço militar? A Bíblia proíbe a celebração de aniversários? A ciência ajuda ou ameaça a fé A contraditória doutrina mórmon A cremação é uma prática cristã ou pagã? A doutrina da salvação das Testemunhas de Jeová A face oculta da numerologia A farsa que está por trás da Programação Neurolingüistica A hermenêutica de Westminster A hierarquização da Igreja Católica Romana A importância da teologia na apologética A letra mata? A marginalização do estudo teológico A loucura dos que não crêem A marginalização de missões na teologia A morte da morte na morte de Cristo A Paixão de Cristo – As últimas doze horas de Jesus...

Caminhos da fé
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 178

Caminhos da fé

Os Salmos de Romagem são um conjunto de 15 salmos (120 a 134) que expressam as emoções vividas pelos peregrinos em sua jornada para Jerusalém, a fim de adorar a Deus no Templo. Esses salmos refletem uma variedade de sentimentos e experiências que os peregrinos enfrentavam em sua viagem. As emoções incluem ansiedade, medo e dúvidas, que são esperadas ao enfrentar os desafios e perigos do caminho. No entanto, também há expressões de alegria, confiança e exaltação em Deus, mostrando a fé e a esperança que os peregrinos tinham na providência divina, mesmo em tempos difíceis. Esses salmos têm uma ampla aplicação na vida espiritual dos crentes. Para os cristãos, esses salmos...

As Leis da Fé
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 196

As Leis da Fé

As pessoas são capazes de carregar sentimentos sublimes quando creem em algo maior do que elas mesmas. Eis aqui a chave para aceitar a diversidade, harmonizar os indivíduos e as nações e criar um mundo de paz e prosperidade. Saiba que, sem Deus, é impossível haver elevação do caráter e da moral do ser humano.

Fundamento Da Fé Cristã
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 96

Fundamento Da Fé Cristã

FUNDAMENTOS DA FÉ CRISTÃ Cada pessoa ao confessar Jesus como seu Senhor e Salvador, de maneira incontestável recebe a tarefa de anunciar as boas novas a todas as pessoas. Começando por sua casa, estendendo-se aos seus amigos, colegas, vizinhos, cidade, por fim chegando a todo território nacional e a “todas as nações”. Porém, para que esta visão simples a qual Deus entregou a igreja seja cumprida cabalmente, os discipulos precisam ser treinados para ensinarem “corretamente a verdade do evangelho.” – 2 Timóteo 2.15, Nova Tradução na Linguagem de Hoje. Visamos atingir os objetivos delineados neste texto bíblico, numa dedicação total de levar os leitores a serem abençoa...