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Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah (Intermediate Financial Accounting) adalah tahap dalam studi akuntansi yang membahas konsep-konsep yang lebih kompleks setelah memahami dasar-dasar akuntansi. Kieso & Weygandt (2010) menggambarkan akuntansi keuangan menengah sebagai "bidang studi yang memperdalam pemahaman konsep-konsep dasar akuntansi keuangan, memperkenalkan topik-topik yang lebih kompleks, dan memberikan wawasan yang lebih mendalam mengenai penerapan prinsip-prinsip akuntansi." Buku dengan judul yang sama menghadirkan berbagai materi pokok tentang Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah diantaranya topik terkait Pelaporan Keuangan, Kas, Piutang, Pelaporan Laba Rugi, Distribusi Modal, Penilaian Persediaan, Aktiva Tetap Berwujud, Aktiva Tetap Tidak Berwujud, Ekuitas Kepemilikan, Depresiasi, Kewajiban Lancer, Serta Tema Terkait Investasi. Disusun dengan alur referensi yang koheren antar bab disertai dengan contoh dan aplikasi dilapangan menjadikan buku ini layak untuk dibaca bagi siapapun yang ingin mendalami Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah. Semoga buku ini memberikan kontribusi positif bagi pemahaman anda dalam menguasai konsep-konsep krusial dalam akuntansi keuangan menengah.
Buku akuntansi sektor publik merupakan literatur yang penting bagi para profesional dan akademisi yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan keuangan di lembaga-lembaga pemerintah, organisasi nirlaba, dan entitas sektor publik lainnya. Buku ini membahas berbagai aspek yang terkait dengan akuntansi di sektor publik, mulai dari prinsipprinsip dasar, metode akuntansi yang digunakan, hingga tantangan dan perkembangan terbaru dalam bidang ini. Lebih dalam, buku ini mengupas tentang akuntansi sektor publik, termasuk definisi, perbedaan dengan akuntansi sektor swasta, dan peran penting akuntansi dalam pengelolaan keuangan publik. Pembahasan mengenai sistem akuntansi pemerintahan, penganggaran sektor publik, akuntansi keuangan pemerintah, akuntansi untuk entitas nirlaba, akuntansi manajemen di sektor publik, sistem biaya dalam sektor publik, audit sektor publik, transparansi dan akuntabilitas, serta sistem informasi akuntansi sektor publik, dibahas secara komprehensif dan substansial didalamnya.
An integrated and modern approach to auditing. Auditing, Assurance Services and Ethics by Arens presents an integrated concepts approach that shows students the auditing process from start to finish and encourages critical thinking. Engaging, integrated case studies, extended coverage of key issues and fresh four-colour internals ensure that Arens is the most relevant and comprehensive resource for auditing students available today. The new 9th edition incorporates recently issued auditing standards and developments in legislation.
Studies have shown that a company's share price is often linked to how well governed the company is, providing board members with a strong financial incentive to maintain good corporate governance practices. Yet what may constitute good governance will vary across different countries and companies, and there is no 'one size fits all' model of corporate governance. Corporate Governance will help you to become familiar with the principles and practice of good governance appropriate to your company, enabling you to uphold those standards that will improve your corporate reputation while providing reassurance to market regulators. For directors of companies of all shapes and sizes, this is essential reading, and will answer all your questions on what good corporate governance means for you, your company's reputation and its share price.
Offering coverage of the entire audit process, this text takes the reader through each audit cycle. It then shows how each step relates to the process as a whole. The book is completely oriented to non-complex computerized accounting systems rather than manual ones.
This text presents international accounting within the context of managing multinational enterprises, focusing on business strategies and how accounting applies to these strategies. This unique approach gives students the opportunity to learn about international accounting from a perspective similar to what they will experience in the business world. The book explains the key factors that influence accounting standards and practices in different countires, and how those factors impact the convergence of standards worldwide. Particular emphasis is given to culture and its unique contribution to accounting standards and practices worldwide. The book focuses on the needs of users of financial and accounting information across borders with the aim of enhancing their understanding of how to use information and make more informed decisions in an increasingly complex and dynamic international business environment.
The mystery of happiness has occupied human beings from ancient times until the present day. In this regard, the group of researchers from six countries present their fourth joint work in this new book titled »Happiness Management: A Lighthouse for Social Wellbeing, Creativity and Sustainability«.
This guide to performance appraisal provides comprehensive, up- to-date coverage, based on 25 years of personal experience. Grote makes the dreaded task of performance appraisal easier and rewarding, using anecdotes and real life examples