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If you wish to follow your heart but don’t know where to start, this book will provide you with the tools needed to finally choose the life you’ve always wanted. If you feel that change is too hard, complicated, or altogether impossible, this book will help you overcome obstacles in a step-by-step, easy-to-understand guide. A Whole New Life teaches you how to turn dreams into achievable goals and how to develop flexibility without losing your sense of direction. In this book, you’ll learn how to identify and eliminate mechanisms that bring you to a standstill, recognizing challenges that evoke fear and anxiety or hinder your full self-realization. This book is first a promise, then an ...
This book offer an intercultural benchmark on local leadership practices in no less than twenty-one countries. Our world is internationalising at a fast pace, and more and more of us choose to find work elsewhere. This title gifs insights around cultural aspects of leadership through country-specific literature research. This quantitative research was strengthened by a global online survey about leadership (CCBS Survey, 2018). In total over 2,700 qualified respondents participated. Text copyright: Adi Hendriks; Agnes So; Aikò Dreesen; Alessandra Neerincx; Alessandro Asproso; Alexandra Rossman; Amy Bosschieter; Anna van den End; Arash Seyfollahi; Arwin Naziri; Ashley Scheenloop; Bastian Lame...
The ability to manage stress and anxiety so you can live with more joy and success is not just a science…it’s an art! You can’t craft a life of purpose and fulfillment if you’re constantly stressed out. Yet in a world where we are always plugged in and burned out, it can be difficult to remember that you don’t have to be ruled by anxiety and burnout—nor do you have to live in a state of overwhelm to achieve success in your personal and professional life. In The Art of De-Stressing, Ray Hull, PhD walks you through practical life lessons that will teach you how to manage anxiety, build confidence, and cope with stress. You will learn expert tools and strategies that will help you: ...
Control technology is a new learning environment which offers the opportunity to take up the economic and educational challenge of enabling people to adapt to new technologies and use them to solve problems. Giving young children (and also adults) easy access to control technology introduces them to a learning environment where they can build their knowledge across a range of topics. As they build and program their own automata and robots, they learn to solve problems, work incollaboration, and be creative. They also learn more about science, electronics, physics, computer literacy, computer assisted manufacturing, and so on. This book, based on a NATO Advanced Research Workshop in the Speci...
Starting in the 1970s, the Italian government has passed a set of legislative provisions known as integrazione scolastica. Separate special education classes were abolished and all students were admitted into mainstream schools, regardless of any disability, impairment, or any other personal characteristic or social circumstance. The Italian model seems to be an ideal context for the development of inclusive education when compared to other realities in Europe and in the world, where, in some cases, special schools and/or classes are still the only available options for students with disabilities or impairments. Does such perception correspond to reality? This book aims to critically analyse and discuss the Italian model of inclusive education from international and intercultural perspectives, as a way to address a crucial theme for educators, school administrators, policymakers, citizens and parents.
This book is aimed at appreciating and further developing the work of Pina Boggi Cavallo. She was a scholar that fully embodied the spirit of the first cognitive revolution in psychology, whose ideal was to consider human being in its totality. The focus of scientific investigation in her work, were the processes of thought, as connected to the affective and ethical dimensions, the social construction of the developing Self within the real context of its making. The book is organized in three sections: Sowing: the selected works of Pina Boggi Cavallo translated in English; Fertilizing: invited commentaries which develop the ideas of Pina Boggi Cavallo in the current and future scientific landscape; Cultivating: invited chapters by international scholars, including some who collaborated with her.
Il lavoro di ricerca ha come oggetto di studio la valutazione della ricerca universitaria, in un momento in cui il tema della distribuzione delle risorse pubbliche in base a criteri di efficienza e merito è al centro del dibatito politico ed economico. Vengono esaminate e messe a confronto cinque realtà universitarie di paesi europei, al tempo stesso si cerca di evidenziare, atraverso un’indagine campionaria, la percezione dei sistemi di valutazione da parte di ricercatori degli stessi paesi. Lo studio si propone di verificare l’ipotesi che un sistema rigoroso di valutazione della ricerca sia condizione necessaria, ma non sufficiente per produrre un innalzamento qualitativo della rice...
La vita di Nadia è un percorso frastagliato che mira all’evoluzione spirituale dell’individuo attraverso il tatto fisico e morale. Il suo dolore avviene, come per molti, troppo presto, nell’infanzia, senza però abbattere la naturale predisposizione al bene che ha portato Nadia nel lavoro di massoterapista prima e poi comunicatrice con le anime passate, fino a sviluppare e brevettare il metodo Naiadis . A vent’anni, un incidente stradale che poteva essere mortale, apre il suo cuore a ricevere messaggi dall’alto. Messaggi angelici di speranza e benessere. Il suo, un incontro d’amore e luce, nella selva di difficoltà quotidiane che pesano sull’umanità intera. Un libro, questo, che stimola all’ascolto della propria voce interiore e alla ricerca della consapevolezza di un amore universale.
Dedicato ai miei genitori che mi hanno dato la vita. Grazie papà, per avermi spronata e sostenuta a prendere il mio diploma. Grazie mamma, per essermi stata accanto nei momenti più critici della mia vita, e per avermi trasmesso la tua gioia la tua allegria e la tua gaiezza di vivere. A mia sorella Maria Pia che si è sempre presa cura di me, prendendomi per mano…… lei con la sua “razionalità” mentre io con la mia stravaganza, imprudenza, temerarietà, incoscienza e determinazione. Abbiamo e stiamo camminando insieme in questa vita, ma in maniera un po’ diversa, sempre unite anima e corpo. È sempre stata al mio fianco, vigile e attenta. E all’inizio dei mie percorsi di “crescita”, pur non condividendo le mie esperienze, l’ho sempre sentita al mio fianco, specialmente alla morte di papà. Nadia Argenzano