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This case study examines country-level primary health care (PHC) systems in Indonesia in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic between March 2020 and July 2021. The case study is part of a collection of case studies providing critical insights into key PHC strengths, challenges and lessons learned using the Astana PHC framework, which considers integrated health services, multisectoral policy and action, and people and communities. Led by in-country research teams, the case studies update and extend the Primary Health Care Systems (PRIMASYS) case studies commissioned by the Alliance in 2015.
This book addresses health professions educational challenges specific to non-Western cultures, implementing a shifting paradigm for educating future health professionals towards patient-centered care. While health professions education has received increasing attention in the last three decades, promoting student-centered learning principles pioneered by leaders in the medical community has, for the most part, remain rooted in the Western context. Building from Hofstede’s analysis of the phenomena of cultural dimensions, which underpin the way people build and maintain their relationships with others and influence social, economic, and political well-being across nations, this book demarc...
Bagaimana caranya agar dapat kuliah di luar negeri? Apa rasanya kuliah di negeri orang? Apa saja tantangan yang harus siap dihadapi? Liburan ke mana selama di sana? Menduduki jenjang Sarjana (S1), pertanyaan-pertanyaan semacam itu sudah terbersit. Keinginan dapat melanjutkan ke jenjang Pascasarjana (S-2) di tempat yang jauh berbeda. Sekolah yang memberi banyak pengalaman baru, lebih menantang, demi karir mendatang. Begitu juga yang ada di benakku sejak duduk di bangku Sekolah Dasar. Cita-citaku adalah ingin merasakan hidup yang berbeda di luar negeri, tapi satu saat nanti kembali pulang ke kampung halaman yang tercinta. Sudah terbayang akan berbagai tempat menarik yang akan kudatangi, landma...
Kedokteran adalah ilmu yang selalu berubah. Penelitian dan pengalaman klinis yang baru memperluas pengetahuan kita sehingga upaya peningkatan dalam pengobatan dan terapi obat diperlukan. Para penulis, penerbit, dan penerjemah buku karya ini telah melakukan telaah dengan teliti berbasis bukti ilmiah terkini yang dapat diandalkan dalam upaya untuk memberikan informasi yang lengkap dan menyeluruh sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku. Namun, mengingat kemungkinan kesalahan manusia atau perubahan dalam ilmu kedokteran, baik penulis maupun penerbit dan juga penerjemah dan pihak lain yang telah terlibat dalam persiapan atau publikasi buku karya ini menjamin bahwa informasi yang terkandung di sini dal...
Judul : Melacak Wabah : Panduan Praktis untuk Investigasi dan Pengendalian Penyakit Penulis : Dr. dr. Dien Gusta Anggraini Nursal, MKM Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 153 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-162-367-6 SINOPSIS Buku ini adalah panduan praktis yang memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang langkah-langkah penting dalam merancang, melaksanakan, dan mengendalikan investigasi wabah. Penulis menguraikan konsep-konsep dasar epidemiologi dan peran vitalnya dalam melacak wabah penyakit. Pembaca akan menemukan informasi yang berharga tentang pemilihan instrumen yang tepat untuk investigasi, penggunaan teknologi, dan analisis data yang relevan. Selain itu, buku ini membahas pen...
“Critical pedagogy is not a set of ideas, but a way of ‘doing’ learning and teaching” (Canagarajah, 2005). This definition puts CP squarely in the classroom and leads us to view how teachers interact with students and how students treat one another, while negotiating institutional and societal expectations. The chapters in the book use a variety of methods to address questions of power within educational institutions, from classrooms to the ministries of education. All the contributors are, or have been, teachers in the Middle East, from Egypt to Iran. Their nationalities range from Egyptian, to American, Canadian, British, Tunisian and Iranian. Ten of the contributors are women. All...
This book provides a practical, accessible guide to all emergency situations found before, during, and straight after surgery. It covers approaches to the emergency surgical patient, problem-based emergency surgery, disease-based emergency surgery, post-operative complications, procedures and miscellaneous material such as transfusion.
Clinical Communication Skills is a ground-breaking new resource for medical students. It provides a practical introduction to the subject, with acknowledgement of key theories. Pragmatic worked examples will be of immediate benefit in clinical environments. The book draws on patient and professional involvement with interview podcasts.
Evidence Based Practice in Primary Health Care is split into two sections. The frist discusses how the individual can apply evidence based medicine in the clinical setting, and the second covers the wider issue of changes in organisation and strategy to promote better and more effective delivery of care within a practice or primary care group. Chapters are writtten by leading specialists in evidence based primary care from Australlia, the UK,and mainland Europe.