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Examining imagery of urban space in Britain, France and West Germany up to the early 1960s, this book reveals how photography shaped individual architectural projects and national rebuilding efforts alike. Exploring the impact of urban photography at a pivotal moment in contemporary European architecture and culture, this book addresses case studies spanning the destruction of the war to the modernizing reconfiguration of city spaces, including ruin photobooks about bombed cities, architectural photography of housing projects and imagery of urban life from popular photomagazines, as well as internationally renowned projects like UNESCO’s Paris Headquarters, Coventry Cathedral and Berlin’s Gedächtniskirche. This book reveals that the ways of seeing shaped in the postwar years by urban photography were a vital aspect of not only discourses on the postwar city but also debates central to popular culture, from commemoration and modernization to democratization and Europeanization. This book will be a fascinating read for researchers in the fields of photography and visual studies, architectural and urban history, and cultural memory and contemporary European history.
THE TIMES TOP 10 BESTSELLER ***SHORTLISTED FOR THE BAILLIE GIFFORD PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION*** ***SHORTLISTED FOR THE BRITISH ACADEMY BOOK PRIZE*** ***SHORTLISTED FOR THE CUNDILL HISTORY PRIZE*** A Book of the Year The Times * Sunday Times * Telegraph * New Statesman * Financial Times * Irish Independent * Daily Mail 'A masterpiece' SPECTATOR 'Exemplary [and] important... This is the kind of book few writers possess the clarity of vision to write' MAX HASTINGS, SUNDAY TIMES 'Magnificent... There are great lessons in the nature of humanity to be learnt here' TELEGRAPH Germany, 1945: a country in ruins. Cities have been reduced to rubble and more than half of the population are where they do not ...
Herbert Bayer was one of the most extraordinary artists associated with the Bauhaus school. A true multimedia artist, he united graphic design, art, and architecture in a unique style that came to represent the bold aesthetic approach of the movement. A teacher with the school until 1928, Bayer went on to become a highly successful graphic designer in Germany, and later one of the most prominent figures in the 20th-century art scene of the United States. This broad biographical account, which presents previously unseen archival photographs and episodes from the life of Bayer and other influential Bauhaus artists such as Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer and László Moholy-Nagy, follows Bayer th...
패배의 잿더미에서 ‘영혼의 타락’과 ‘홀로코스트의 공포’를 딛고 일어선 ‘전후 독일인의 심리’를 해부한 최초의 역사서 제2차 세계대전에서 독일이 패망한 1945년 5월 8일, 이른바 '제로시간'부터 1955년까지 10년 동안 독일이 거쳐야 했던 재건의 노력과 사회적 분열을 파노라마처럼 펼쳐 보이는 책. 독일인들은 어떻게 ‘나치’를 버리고 새로운 ‘독일’을 만들었을까? 독일의 경제 기적은 모두 철저한 자기반성과 근면성 덕분일까? 독일인의 과거사 청산은 과연 ‘모범적’이었을까? 패망 이후 독일은 어떤 과정을 거쳐 오늘날 우리가 '독일'이라 부르는 나라를 만들었는지, 우리가 흔히 알고 있는 것과는 전혀 다른 모습의 독일을, 그 역사의 장면을 되살린다.
Die wichtigsten Heldenfiguren in der DDR waren die Arbeiter*innen, sie galten als Personifikationen des staatlichen Aufbaus. Die erwünschte künstlerische Umsetzung dieses sozialistischen Schwerpunktthemas unterlag während der 40 Jahre DDR einem bemerkenswerten Wandel: Die leistungsstarken Aufbauheld*innen und Aktivist*innen der Bildwelten der ersten beiden Jahrzehnte sollten – normiert durch die sozialistische Kunstdoktrin – in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten durch realistischere Darstellungen ersetzt werden. Mit dieser staatlichen Forderung ging eine radikale Dekonstruktion der Arbeiterheld*innen der ersten beiden Jahrzehnte in der Kunstpraxis der 1970er und 1980er Jahre einher. Im kr...
A Alemanha depois da guerra. Um país em dissolução. Pessoas dispersas, desalojados, ocupantes, presos libertados, refugiados, culpados. Pilha-se, rouba-se, inventam-se novas identidades, começa-se do zero. Mas será isso realmente possível? Como se pode reconstruir uma sociedade aa partir de semelhante caos? Ter escapado à morte lança uns num estado de apatia, aos passos que noutros faz brotar uma alegria de viver sem precedentes. A vida ficou virada do avesso, mas as pessoas voltam a conviver, e o país é percecionado pelos mais jovens e destemidos como se fosse um parque recreativo, no qual todos os dias tentam a sua sorte. Harald Jähner dá-nos uma impressionante perspetiva geral dos primeiros dez anos do pós-guerra, mostrando como se reergueu a Alemanha. O recomeço – visto de um novo ângulo.
Die Geschichte der Prävention hat Konjunktur. Selten ist jedoch die Kommunikation von Gesundheitswissen in den Blick genommen worden; noch seltener sind Institutionen als Gegenstände gewählt worden. Anhand des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums in Dresden sowie dem Deutschen Gesundheits-Museum in Köln schließt Christian Sammer diese Lücke. Quellengesättigt beschreibt er vergleichend die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Konzepte und Medien der Gesundheitsaufklärung und bettet diese ein in die Felder der Gesundheitspolitik beider deutscher Staaten. Er untersucht die Subjekt-, Erziehungs- und Ordnungsvorstellungen, die Kommunikationspraktiken sowie die personellen Netzwerke der Gesundheitsaufklärung ...
The Bauhaus was one of the most important schools of art, design, and architecture, whose visionary designs continue to be regarded as icons of modernity today.This book provides an in-depth presentation of the second-largest Bauhaus collection in the world.It includes objects from all the phases and fields at the renowned institution, including student works by Marianne Brandt, Josef Albers, or Marcel Breuer, as well as works by Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, or Gunta Stölzl.Objects and materials found in the Bauhaus buildings in Dessau--the Bauhaus Building, the Masters' Houses, the Employment Office, and the Dessau-Törten estate--are presented as well.The book also provides an introduction to the history and development of the school.Published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus.
Pierwsze lata powojenne to dla jednych „dziki kontynent”, dla innych „wielka trwoga”, dla Niemców „wilczy czas” – czas, w którym cały naród musiał dokonać przewartościowania swych postaw i stworzyć fundamenty demokratycznego państwa. Harald Jähner ukazuje Niemców w całej ich różnorodności: pisarza Alfreda Döblina, który w swej twórczości próbował kreować nowych, nieobarczonych przeszłością obywateli, Beate Uhse – twórczynię pierwszego sex-shopu na świecie, bezimiennych handlarzy z lucky strike’ami w kieszeniach i stylowe gospodynie domowe. „Czas wilka” to również opowieść o krajobrazie wszechobecnych ruin, o masowych migracjach ludności, o silnych afektach i emocjach. O kształtowaniu nowej gospodarki rynkowej w cieniu grabieży i czarnego rynku, o generacji Garbusa. Ale też o systematycznym wypieraniu prawdy o Zagładzie. To barwna historia pierwszej powojennej dekady pokonanych Niemiec, która położyła podwaliny pod niemiecki rozwój gospodarczy, „cudu, że się udało”.