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This book examines military operations other than war (MOOTW) of the Indonesian military in the post-Suharto period and argues that the twin development of democratic consolidation, marked by ‘stable’ civil–military relations from 2004 to 2014 under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s presidency, and internationalization of the military have not yet entirely de-politicized the armed forces. This book shows how peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and counter-terror missions have been reinvented by the Indonesian military (Tentara Nasional Indonesia, TNI) to adhere to its politico-institutional interests rather than to divert military attention from politics. In contrast ...
This book is an analysis of Indonesia’s civil-military relations in the post-1998 reform era. It focuses on the political thinking of the Indonesian Army during the time of democratic consolidation. The book examines the army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat, TNI AD), a pivotal player in the political scene of Indonesian state, and the aspect of military ideology development. Based on in-depth interviews with civilian and military figures and applying the methodology of utilised process tracing and empirical analysis surrounding the appearance of military thinking, the book argues that the Indonesian military pursues to sustain its political power by propagating a set of values c...
The 1998 Reform has paved ways for the reconfiguration and improvement of Indonesia's institutions to support economic growth. For the last 20 years, however, indonesia is facing the challenges of uncontainable urbanization and rising inequality. During the period 2008-2015, Indonesia's economy grew by more than 4 percent annually, the highest steady rate in Southeast Asia. Indonesia is now transitioning from a lower-middle income country to an upper-middle level one. Meanwhile, Indonesia faces a number of challengesto strengthen its democratic institutions. This book brings together 12 original chapters to discuss the achievements and challenges of Indonesia's transformation after 1998. it exa mines how state institutions and civil society manage the complexities of indonesia's transformations to develop common ground upon which to reach a national consensus.
Tak terasa sudah dua puluh tahun era reformasi bergulir yang ditandai mundurnya Presiden Soeharto pada 21 Mei 1998. Banyak yang sudah dicapai, tetapi sulit dibantah, tidak sedikit kegagalan dalam mewujudkan Indonesia yang lebih mandiri, bermartabat, adil, dan sejahtera. Korupsi yang marak, menguatnya politik identitas dan politisasi SARA, lemahnya penegakan hukum dan HAM, merosotnya komitmen ber-Pancasila, dan absennya visi kebangsaan para elite politik, saling berkelindan di tengah kebanggaan semu sebagai negara demokrasi terbesar ketiga di dunia sesudah India dan Amerika Serikat. Alih-alih menikmati demokrasi substansial yang terkonsolidasi, bangsa kita justru masih terperangkap praktik demokrasi elektoral dan elitis yang bersifat prosedural. Buku ini menimbang pencapaian reformasi di Indonesia pasca-Orde Baru. Ada empat kelompok tema yang ditimbang oleh para penulis yang seluruhnya merupakan peneliti pada Pusat Penelitian Politik LIPI, yakni: (1) pencapaian reformasi menuju sistem demokrasi; (2) reformasi sistem perwakilan, pemilu, dan kepartaian; (3) reformasi sektor keamanan; dan (4) reformasi hubungan pusat-daerah, desentralisasi dan politik lokal.
Industri pertahanan dan ekonomi suatu bangsa saling bertaut erat. Dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang relatif konsisten, Indonesia memiliki peluang emas dan momentum untuk tumbuh sebagai pemain besar industri pertahanan dunia. Akan tetapi masih banyak hal harus dikerjakan. Yang paling menentukan, di samping hal-hal terkait pengembangan industri pertahanan itu sendiri—penguasaan teknologi, modal kerja, model bisnis, manajemen korporasi, akses global supply chain, dan lain-lain— adalah affirmative action atau keberpihakan pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan industri militer. Bagaimana sesungguhnya perkembangan industri pertahanan Indonesia hingga saat ini? Apa yang seharusnya dilakukan pemerintah? Silmy Karim menggambarkan dengan rinci kondisi industri militer Indonesia terkini sekaligus langkah-langkah strategis yang mungkin dilakukan untuk membuat terobosan.
Indonesia's political and governmental structures underwent sweeping reforms in the late 1990s. After decades of authoritarian rule, a key aspect of the transition to constitutional democracy during this period was the amendment of the 1945 Indonesian Constitution - an important legal text governing the world's third largest democracy. The amended Constitution introduced profound changes to the legal and political system, including an emphasis on judicial independence, a bill of rights, and the establishment of a Constitutional Court. This volume, with chapters written by leading experts, explores the ongoing debates over the meaning, implementation, and practice of constitutional democracy ...
This book explores the politics of gendered labor migration in Southeast Asia through the stories and perspectives of Indonesian and Filipina women presented in films, fiction, and performance to show how the emotionality of these texts contribute to the emergence and vitality of women’s social movements in Southeast Asia. By placing literary and filmic narratives of Filipina and Indonesian domestic workers in Hong Kong and Singapore within existing conversations concerning migration policies, the book offers an innovative approach towards examining contemporary issues of Asian migration. Furthermore, through rich ethnographic accounts, the book unpacks themes of belonging and displacement...
This book addresses key questions about how Singapore is likely to develop going forward, what are the key challenges facing the state, and how is the government going to deal with these matters. The book shows how important Lee Kuan Yew and subsequent individual leaders have been in shaping Singapore, and goes on to consider specific new challenges, including rapid population growth, migration and a changing population mix, the rise of China and possible shifts in the regional balance of power, and anxieties about the economy and an increasing global backlash against the neo-liberal free trade regime. It considers key areas of economic policy, social policy, and foreign policy, and explores the changing nature of governance. It also examines the Singapore government's effort to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. Overall, the book provides a concise, comprehensive assessment of the current state of Singapore and its likely future direction.
Buku Intelijen dan Keamanan Nasional di Indonesia Pasca-Orde Baru bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kiprah intelijen negara di Indonesia selepas pengunduran diri Presiden Suharto pada tahun 1998. Kendati memiliki peran penting selaku “lini pertama dalam sistem keamanan nasional,” kajian tentang intelijen bisa dibilang masih sedikit jika dibandingkan studi tentang institusi militer atau kepolisian. Buku ini berupaya memperkaya khazanah studi intelijen, demokrasi, dan keamanan nasional di Indonesia, dengan membahas empat aspek strategis, yakni: perkembangan persepsi ancaman keamanan; pengunaan dan penguasaan teknologi informasi guna mendukung aktivitas intelijen; proses rekrutmen serta pendidika...
Ide awal buku ini lahir pada penghujung tahun 2020 saat kami menggagas perlunya mengundang ilmuwan sosial politik dari seluruh dunia untuk menulis refleksi bersama atas situasi demokrasi di Indonesia dalam rangka ulang tahun ke-50 LP3ES yang jatuh pada 19 Agustus 2021. Forum itu kemudian kami beri nama Forum 100 Ilmuwan Sosial Politik. Di forum itu, 3-4 orang ilmuwan sosial politik dari berbagai negara di dunia hadir setiap minggu, untuk berbicara di webinar LP3ES tentang berbagai tema, antara akhir Oktober 2020 hingga awal Juni 2021. Tercatat, ada 135 ilmuwan sosial politik (92 laki-laki dan 43 perempuan) yang bergabung bersama kami, baik berbicara dalam webinar, mengirimkan tulisan, ataupu...