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Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan atas kehairat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya berupa ilmu pengetahuan, kesehatan dan petunjuk, sehingga penyusunan buku Model Pembelajaran Era Society 5.0 dapat terselesaikan dengan baik. Buku ini merupakan hasil kolaborasi dari para penulis yang berasal dari kalangan akademisi, praktisi, maupun professional dalam rumpun ilmu manajemen. Dalam buku ini mengangkat isu strategis berkaitan dengan Model Pembelajaran Era Society 5.0 yang terdiri dari 14 bab yang berisi tentang kupasan menarik tentang Model Pembelajaran Era Society 5.0.
Proses komunikasi di dunia digital, tidak berlangsung di ruang hampa, karena itu penting untuk membenahi tata kelola dari pola komunikasi digital. Komunikasi digital adalah realitas dan bentuk baru dari kehidupan manusia modern. Format tersebut, membentuk kompleksitas serta budaya yang menyertainya. Perencanaan komunikasi digital menjadi sebuah hal vital di masa kini. Bila tidak mampu dikelola, kegagalan komunikasi digital bisa jadi berdampak fatal bagi eksistensi sebuah citra. Buku ini menawarkan perspektif yang lengkap dalam mengelola strategi komunikasi digital. Pada akhirnya, buku yang dirangkum dari beberapa penulis yang dijadikan sebuah kolaborasi ini menawarkan kedalaman pembahasan dari aspek teoritik hingga tingkat praktis, disertai berbagai detail operasional dalam mengelola hingga mengukur keberhasilan manajemen komunikasi digital. Semoga dengan kehadiran buku ini dapat menambah khazanah ilmu pengetahuan dan wawasan akan pengetahuan tentang manajemen komunikasi digital terkini.
Buku ini merupakan simbol semangat intelektual dalam mengakaji ilmu ekonomi yang terbit pada tahun 2021. Kontributor dari buku ini adalah para peneliti dan dosen dari berbagai kampus di Indonesia. Mereka memiliki latar belakang pendidikan yang berbeda. Penulisan buku ini dilandasi atas pentingnya update penelitian terbaru tentang kajian ilmu ekonomi dengan tema peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat menuju era society 5.0 ditengah pandemi covid-19 yang menjadi isu dan problematika saat ini yang berisi tentang Bab 1 Ekonomi Masyarakat Indonesia; Bab 2 Ekonomi Masyarakat Era Society 5.0; Bab 3 Ekonomi Masyarakat Era Pandemi Covid-19; Bab 4 Dampak Ekonomi Masyarakat Era Society 5.0; Bab 5 Dampak Ekonom...
No doubt about it: The newest diversity issue in the workplace is age diversity. Many organizations have finally figured out how to recruit young talent only to watch them drive down a collision course with seasoned employees over issues like work ethic, respect for authority, dress code and every work arrangement imaginable. And they're not sure what to do about it. The fact is, generational conflicts are not merely a matter of young versus old. They mirror critical business issues every organization faces as it transitions from the workplace of the past to that of the future. Managing the Ge.
On Parent's Day, in 1952, B. F. Skinner visited his daughter's fourth grade math class. As he watched the lesson, he became increasingly uncomfortable. Almost every principle of effective teaching that he had studied for more than 20 years was being violated in that classroom. Yet it was a typical class. The teacher showed how to solve the day's problems, then gave the students a worksheet to do. Some children began to work readily while others shifted uncomfortably in their chairs, or raised their hands for help. The teacher went from desk to desk, giving help and feedback. Skinner knew what was needed. Each student should be given a problem tailored precisely to his or her skill level, not...
This book offers a detailed and innovative account of how a mixed methods approach, combining corpus linguistics and discourse analysis, can shed light on educational practice.
This book explores the theoretical foundations of gamification in learning and education. It has become increasingly difficult to engage and motivate students. Gamification not only makes learning interesting, but also allows game players to solve problems and learn lessons through repeated attempts and failures. This "positive failure" can motivate students to attempt a difficult mission. Chapters in this volume cover topics such as the definition and characteristics of gamification, gamification in learning and education, theories, research on gamification, framework, strategy, and cases.
The workplace is changing. Powerful demographic forces are underway causing a "generational shift." If you're managing a mix of employees of all ages from teens to retirees and finding it takes more time and skill than ever before, welcome to the revolution. The latest edition of Managing the Generation Mix is full of insight and advice for tackling the age-related challenges you face every day and maximizing the strengths of your age-diverse team members.
As colleges, universities and other learning institutions explore teaching and learning through online environments, online communities of practice may provide solutions to organizational and professional development needs. The purpose of this book is to develop a set of guidelines for creating a virtual community of practice for faculty teaching at a distance that can easily be implemented by faculty development professionals. Designing a virtual community of practice can be operationalized using the ADDIE model to guide the process. Based on an instructional systems design process, the ADDIE model emphasizes the five core elements of the instructional systems design process: analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate; often it serves as a project management tool or to provide a visual aid for organization of relevant tasks.