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Providing a selection of papers presented at ICECE 2018, a biennial conference organised by the Early Childhood Education Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The conference’s general theme was "Finding Alternative Approaches, Theories, Frameworks, and Practices of Early Childhood Education in the 21th Century." Distinct from other periods of time, the 21st century is characterised by so much knowledge -easy to access but hard to grasp, borderless and hyper-connected society mediated by the internet, high competitiveness -not only within a country but across countries, high mobility, and widening economic discrepancy as neoliberalism has strengthened its influence on every sector of ...
Solid waste management generates big challenges for society due to its large variability in production and composition, and because of its sanitary and environmental impacts. To contribute in facing this situation, this book includes a worldwide overview of experiences and conceptual and technical developments attained through research and development projects. In addition to minimizing generation, considered as the most desirable practice, it includes alternatives of valuation for potentially recoverable waste and strategies to reduce final conditioning and disposition risks. The book includes contextual technical, economical, political and social aspects aimed at proposing integral solutions for the solid waste management.
Selected peer-reviewed full text papers from the 4th International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering (ISFAChE 2022) Selected peer-reviewed full text papers from the 4th International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering (ISFAChE 2022), October 26-27, 2022, Surabaya, Indonesia (virtual)
This is an open access book. Education is an effort to educate people, through education the quality of human life becomes better, and it is captured and realized by all Muhammadiyah universities in Indonesia, especially from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science. The problem that occurs is the need for a lot of innovation related to the implementation of learning in the classroom so that the learning process becomes more enjoyable. Thus, students will be more eager to learn and their academic achievement will be better, which of course has implications for the quality of education which is also better. Therefore, the Association of Muhammadiyah Higher Education Teaching Inst...
5B Strategi Jitu Lolos SBMPTN #1: Belajar pola soal dari SBMPTN tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Pelajari pola soal yang sering muncul dari soal-soal tahun sebelumnya. Bukan rahasia lagi, tipe soal yang keluar tidak beda jauh dengan soal-soal tahun sebelumnya. #2: Berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal prediksi dari tentor berpengalaman. Latih kesiapanmu dengan mengerjakan soal-soal prediksi dari tentor-tentor berpengalaman. Semakin banyak berlatih, peluangmu lolos SBMPTN semakin besar. #3: Berusaha mengerjakan dengan rumus singkat, ringkas, dan terstuktur. Kerjakan soal dengan langkah-langkah yang ringkas dan terstruktur. Pembahasan yang lengkap dengan ringkasan materi bisa kamu jadikan panduan belajar menj...
Menggagas Konsep Prestasi Belajar Matematika Penulis : Trygu Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-407-025-5 Terbit : November 2021 Sinopsis : Prestasi itu dalam kegiatan belajar disebut sebagai prestasi belajar, sedangkan dalam kegiatan belajar matematika disebut sebagai prestasi belajar matematika. Prestasi itu sangat penting dan sangat kita perlukan sekali. Prestasi dapat membuat seseorang menaruh perhatian, maupun bisa menjadi sumber motivasi. Prestasi dalam belajar matematika di Indonesia masih bisa dikategorikan rendah, maupun bisa jadi siswa tidak memiliki prestasi belajar matematika sama sekali, dimana siswa tersebut memiliki prestasi dalam bidang yang lain. Entah itu musik, olahraga, dan lain-lain sebagainya. Padahal Matematika tersebut ada dimana saja dan sangat kita perlukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Untuk mengatasi itu, maka kita harus memahami seperti apa itu prestasi secara umum, prestasi dalam kaitannya dengan belajar, maupun prestasi dalam kaitannya dengan belajar matematika. Happy shopping & reading Enjoy your day, guys
This book addresses several aspects of the Human Rights law and sustainable development analysed in the existing literature. The editor has tried to demonstrate that the core assumption of sustainable development regimes - that sustainable development maximizes certain social benefits over social costs by providing a necessary inducement for the work in public and distribution of goals to 2030 - has several important implications for the society.
Perkembangan anak mengacu pada perubahan biologis, psikologis, dan emosional yang terjadi pada seseorang antara kelahiran dan akhir masa remaja saat mereka beralih dari ketergantungan ke otonomi. Proses di mana Si Kecil mengalami perubahan dari waktu ke waktu dikenal sebagai perkembangan anak. Perkembangan perubahan fisik, linguistik, emosional, dan kognitif yang terjadi pada anak sejak lahir hingga dewasa awal disebut sebagai perkembangan. Perkembangan anak adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan perubahan fisik, linguistik, kognitif, dan emosional yang dialami seorang anak sejak lahir hingga dewasa. Pengaruh genetik dan lingkungan, serta berbagai kejadian yang terjadi saat anak tumbuh, semuanya memiliki dampak signifikan pada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak.
This is an open access book. Doctoral Program of Economics and Business Faculty, Universitas Sebelas Maret organizes the 2022 International Colloquium onBusiness and Economics. The conference will be conducted bothonline and offline (hybrid) in Economic Faculty of UNS, Solo, onSeptember 27-28, 2022. In this conference, 30 papers were selectedfor international proceedings. Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Sebelas Maret is one ofthe respectable Business School in Indonesia. In the recent releasefrom the Times Higher Education (THE), the faculty is categorized asTop 10 Economics and Business Faculty among hundreds University inIndonesia. Currently, our faculty have 3 undergraduate degrees, 3master’s degrees, and 1 doctoral degree program and all of them areaccredited with a rank “A”.